Welcome To Alafia Lisa Tierney-Jackson!

Alafia Elementary welcomes new principal -- former Cypress Creek Elementary principal Lisa Tierney-Jackson.

Nov 20, 2008


What did you think of the meeting?


  1. Here's the recap ...

    "We'll do anything you want except fix the real problem."

  2. I thought it was great. Mrs. Elia answered all our questions and I am sure the district have the kids best interests at heart. Our activism has paid off with real change at Alafia!

  3. Let's see....
    A whole lot of talking in circles and avoiding the direct questions.
    "We'll send out an ASSESSMENT Team every month."
    "This is all news to us".
    "We'll take all this info down and get back to you"
    Elia trying to put the blame on the teachers.
    Elia wanting to bring in a "life coach' for Smith.
    Blah Blah Blah.

  4. If Elia doesn't rethink her position after tonight's meeting, I'll be VERY surprised. I just don;t think she could say it right then and there.

    Lucy, you got some splainin to do!!!!

  5. RE: Secret 10:15 pm. Were you at the same meeting I was at? Elia skated around every question! That's why the parents were saying, "Answer the question!" "Answer the question!"

  6. Secret 10:18PM ... Ok Mrs. Smith, whatever you say.

  7. Alafia Fan not a member(teach at another school), Any "Big Wigs" there? School Board, Media, Lawyers? How long did the meeting last? Thanks - Don't ever give up!
    "Life Coach" who said Thaaat? RU Kidding?

  8. Somebody tape the news and send it to this website.

  9. I think 10:18 was being sarcastic. HOPEFULLY!

  10. Wow! What great parents we have at our school to stand up for our kids and the teachers! It was intense and I loved how Elia kept trying to 'skirt' around the questions. I don't even think she actually answered any of them but everyone was aware she avoided them that's for sure! I can't wait for the next meeting! She has gone way too long without being held accountable.

  11. So I was reading the newly posted article from the meeting tonight and I came across this part: 'Darlena Sommer, parent of a second-grader, said the teachers at Alafia acted unprofessionally when they spoke with parents about their concerns with administration.'
    Now I must ask Darlena - Are you saying that this is the teachers fault? They shouldn't have (if any of them really did) speak to parents about an issue that affects every child? Help me understand...

  12. Who's ready to go to the next school board meeting? I AM!!! I bet we could get 100 parents to speak after tonight. Do you hear me MaryEllen? WE"RE NOT GOING AWAY.

  13. I just read the same article - I can't believe that they quoted two of the three people that favored Smith. What happened to all the stories of abuse and neglect of children at Alafia that went unreported? The article didn't even touch on the many real issues the school is facing. A bit off. This is not the teachers fault - people are trying to sway distraction from the true issue at hand...

  14. Thats the Trib for ya. Look for a more balanced report from the Times.

  15. Trib article - Maybe this was just a rough draft and the real story is coming tomorrow. D'ANN? Is there more to come? I think you missed a lot.

  16. Great meeting, nothing was resolved but we did call attention. Her own staff was shocked at the allegations. AT the next meeting all teachers should be there. Who is signing up for our parents free ethics class, what a joke!
    Lets all contact the state board of ed they are listening.

  17. I wanted to say Thank You to Jennifer Faliero, from the school Board, for coming to our meeting tonight at Alafia! Now you truly can see what the problem at our broken school is! It’s not the teachers or the parents, it’s the principal! Why didn’t Mrs. Smith accept responsibility for anything that was brought up this evening? Why did she sit back and act like she was not the problem while Elia provided lip service to the educated parents? ? I am totally disgusted by her manner, or lack there of, tonight!

  18. Truely a heated discussion. Many people got more than they bargained for and I think once Faliero gets back to the office the **** is gonna hit the fan. And still, not one single apology from Smith, or anyone else for that matter. The storm always gets worse before it gets better, so everyone hold tight!

  19. I think everyone should send an e-mail to Jennifer Faliero for coming out to our meeting. She didn't have to be there. She is concerned about our school. I think she will be able to help us. We have all sent out letters to her to voice out concerns. It is now time to write a letter of gratitude for listening.

  20. 6:59, great idea. I just emailed her, thanking her for coming to Alafia last night.

  21. I wanted to thank everyone who spoke up last night when given a chance. It's difficult for a lot of us to speak in public but I think a lot of eyes were opened last night because people weren't afraid to speak up. We didn't get any answers but people were listening. I'm not sure Elia is capable of anything except acknowledging that there is a problem and then using a condescending tone to adults that challenge her. If she speaks to parents that way, imagine how she speaks with the teachers!
    Let's stick together for our children.

  22. http://www.tampabay.com/news/education/k12/article911518.ece

  23. http://www.baynews9.com/content/36/2008/11/21/405980.html?title=Parents+voice+concerns+about+Alafia+Elementary

  24. Watch the video..... http://www.baynews9.com/VideoPlayer/?Alafia_Elementary_Parents_1121

  25. This isn't just an Alafia issue, but I wonder if anyone has a lawyer that would look into the issue of parents getting checked everyday, but the construction people only being verified by the contractor on some other basis. I think this is a massive gap in the safety and security of our children. This is probably an issue at the state level though :(

  26. FOX 13 investigative reporter Doug Smith is dedicated to uncovering corruption, fraud, and government waste. If you have a tip or story idea for Doug and the award-winning FOX 13 Investigates team, send us e-mail or call our whistleblower hotline at (813) 870-7143.
    Email Doug Smith: investigative@wtvt.com

    If all this isn't government waste, I don't know what is!

  27. The fact is, fair or not, over 270 parents have directly signed their names to removing Smith. How many more are silent but feel the same way? This is HUGE percentage! Honestly, if I was a 30-year educator, dedicated to the best interests of children, I would ask for a transfer. But not Mrs. Smith and Elia. They have dug their feet in at the expense of our school.

  28. What power does the school board actually have? Can they pull funding? Are they actually paying for this "lifecoach?" The board needs to make some type of motion to get some action done.

  29. It's not just parents that signed that petition either, grandparents and non-school related CONCERNED residents in the Bloomingdale East community signed.

  30. This problem did not begin when Ms Smith got to Alafia. She did the same thing at Seffner. Ms Smith is NOT going to change. A lifecoach is not going to fix 30 years of bad behavior. A teachers job is hard enough without having an administrator who micromanages EVERYTHING.
    Alafia parents you are great... keep fighting for YOUR children and school!

  31. If this were a BUSINESS, there would be action to make it work!

    Unfortunately, it is government inaction at work.

    If you had a manger (read: principal) that negatively had polarized your customer (Read: parent) in such a manner, then as an executive office (read: school board) you would move this person to another position!

    I heard at the meeting last night that it is normal for a percentage of teachers to leave when a new principal is brought in. IN the business worked there is also turn over when new management is brought in. The numbers expressed, last night, by Ms. Elia were that 38 here, 35 in another school, 32, there… Etc…. Has ANYONE stopped to consider what the turn over ratio is in other counties and school districts? To me, this percentage is high – especially given the fact the Ms. Smith has been here about three years (so why are they still leaving?) Perhaps another concern is the people hiring principals are not hiring the best-qualified candidates for the job. Otherwise there would not be such a high percentage of turn over in all our schools!

    Ms. Elia, was there really ANY doubt we are here for our children? Any? You kept saying this is what brought us together….

    It was clear that the community and majority of parents want more than words and believe that Ms. Smith should be re-assigned or terminated. Based on last nights meeting, it was clear there are on going safety, security, management, communications, and more concerns at this school. It was clear that many questions went totally unanswered!

    What is not clear is why tax payer dollars are being put in place to hire a “mentor/life coach” to teach someone to do their job, at this point in this persons career as well as our current economic environment. I hear time and time again this county (like many others) has not money and is being forced to make cuts. This plan seems highly contradictory, as reassigning this principal to another position away from Alafia is best.

    As a taxpayer, parent, and local resident, we certainly do not need to throw good money at a bad problem. We need action and we need it now.

    What exactly does ms. Smith (or her family) seem to have over this county to allow her to stay in such a capacity?! I am curious.



  32. To whomever made the comment about the 270 not being just parents.... The MAJORITY are. However, this IS a community issue. Parents are not the only ones who pay taxes for school funding. They are also not the only parties when housing values go down due to local schools not being the best. Many homeowners and taxpayers are appalled at the lack of financial concern over this matter. How much money have we spent on this so far? The reality at this point, it would be cheaper to reallocate her or let her go and our homes maintain their value.

  33. Here are some interesting FACTS and a possible coonection as to how and why she is still employed! Read it, learn, the facts speka loud of a connection, and a cover up....

    Mr. Smith, Ms. Smith, Ms. Elia, and more, are ALL members and accociated with "HASA" the Hillsborough Association of Administrators...

    PRESS.... I smell a new story worth investigating further....


    Mr. Smith ran for district six school board:

    ASHLEY SMITH, 59, is a retired public school teacher and administrator living in Valrico. Smith began his teaching career as a social studies instructor at Plant City High. He has served as principal at Buchanan and Eisenhower middle schools and held assistant principal positions for almost 10 years at Armwood High. Before retiring in 2001, he also was president of the Florida Association of School Administrators from 2000 to 2001. A North Carolina native, Smith earned a bachelor's degree in education and a master's in administration from the University of South Florida. He served more than three years in the Air Force. He has lived east Hillsborough for 30 years. He and his wife, Ellyn, the principal at Seffner Elementary, have two grown children. ASSETS: house, investments. LIABILITIES: mortgage, car loan. INCOME: school retirement. WEB SITE: none.


    Is it no wonder Ms Elia won't actually ACT, but instead is taking the life coach approach?

    They are all associates, friends, and co-horts!

    Time to vote them ALL OUT OF OFFICE!

  34. Mrs. Hirn, I dare you to ask your fellow teachers that you claimed to represent how they feel about your "public temper tantrum." By standing up and speaking to a room full of parents the way you did and acting like you were voicing the opinions of all the teachers at Alafia really wasn't very well thought out on your end. If I was one of the teachers that you misrepresented, I would have a bone to pick with you. But wait, you are one of the ones that are protected so whatever anyone says to you that you don't like, you will run to the front office to tattle to your protectors. It is now evident to everyone why you want Smith to stay. Who will protect you when she is gone after you have to face all the people you have wrong? It will probably be very hard for you to work with a new principal that has EVERYONE'S best interest at heart, not just yours.

  35. This is a phone call I received about 11am - almost verbatim - in the past week regarding my child who is in a grade between K-2. (I'm being intentionally vague about the date, grade, and sex of my child to protect teacher and child.)

    SCHOOL OFFICE: "Yes we're calling about your child's absense today."

    ME: "What!? What absense?"

    SCHOOL OFFICE: (puzzled voice) "Well, is your child here or not?" (I'm not kidding - that was said to me!)

    ME: "You tell me! He/she was dropped off."

    SCHOOL OFFICE (pause): "Well I'm sure he/she is here then. Must be a mistake on the form."

    ME: "Wait, I'm not being sarcastic, but with all the security concerns, I want to know if he/she is there. Someone could have taken him/her or he/she could have wondered off!"

    SCHOOL OFFICE: "Hold. I'll call the classroom."

    15 seconds later...

    SCHOOL OFFICE: "Yes. He/she is in the classroom."

    Can you believe it! Not exactly a confidence builder!

  36. Found the following comment on another post:

    Anonymous said...
    Why did the assessment team consist of the PR rep for the district and Jack Lamb's daughter (not exactly unbiased?)

    November 18, 2008 10:34 PM

    I wonder why none of the parents complained about Maria Singfield, Department Manager for Human Resources being on the assessment team. She was principal at Armwood High School and run off for doing the same thing as Smith (e.g. fear, racial tension, intimidation, threats, retaliation). On second thought, maybe she was a perfect choice to help cover up your situation.

    Been there, done that, don't ever want to do it again.

  37. Anyone bother to note that Ashley Smith "retired" long before the normal retirement age from the district? There is a story there, and if people keep digging, it will come out. It will also add an interesting side note to the current situation.

    It may or may not be connected to why Elia and clan are so doggedly hanging on here. Smith knows where the bodies are buried or has compromising Polaroid of someone on the board - that's got to be why they are protecting her and circling the wagons.

    There is no precedent for the "life coach" crap - over the years there have been a number of administrators who were grossly incompetent for one reason or another, and they were yanked out or transferred faster than anyone could imagine.

    Keep digging, folks - there is a back story here that explains it all. Keep the pressure on Elia & friends and someone will either cough it up or they'll toss in the towel. Once that happens it's all over.

  38. I'm sure it was another teacher (or someone close to one) who criticized Mrs. Hirn on this website. If those beliefs are truly held by a teacher, it is a shame they gave lip service about moving forward in the meeting on Tuesday and then wrote such hateful things on this website today. If you are not a teacher, then please don't criticize those trying to do their jobs and work in this current situation. Many parents, myself included, were upset by the response from parents given to Mrs. Hirn-- she was speaking from her heart like the rest of us. Her "temper tamtrum", as you call it, did have a positive message about moving forward, correct? Are suggesting that you (or the teachers if you are not one) are not willing to do so. If so, the children will continue to suffer.

  39. Some of the board has a good ol' boy network going with perceived or real cronyism, they all run in the same social circles as evidenced by their friends at their reorganization meeting that we sat so patiently through; but did not give Alafia parents the same consideration when it was Alafia's turn to speak as evidenced by Kurdell calling for a "rolling break" and showing a total lack of interest in our situation. Shame on you for not listening as it is now at a boiling point!

    Elia is now going to waste taxpayer dollars by using coaches, mentors, assessment teams, and team building exercises to try to fix what we already know is the problem. In a time of economic crisis, I believe our taxpayer dollars would be much better spent on our children! As a taxpayer and voter, I am totally against this so called fix for this problem. These public servants will be held accountable at re-election time.

  40. I knew there was something wrong last night when the lunch lady stood up to defend Ms. Smith. My kids say the lunch ladies are really mean...birds of feather flock together.

  41. Smith has had the opportunity to move forward and she has failed once again. Students are still being threatened and poor communication to the parents about the portables. The teachers have been promised things(map of the new portable areas)and nothing was sent home. They had to make their own last minute. Dirty portables with no running water? What was the rush to move in two days when construction starts in January? Why didn't Smith walk through the portables to see the wasp nest and dirty carpets rolled up. Nothing will change. Lets move forward with something that will have a more positive outcome. Who can control Smith and keep her from retaliating against the teacher? Only getting up and speaking in front of Elia on her behave. I say well played Hirn and others. You should score well on you next observation.
    Mrs. Hirn did say that after the meeting she could finally breath and have a night's rest. That was another example of how Smith has created a terrible environment for the students and staff. That a teachers hasn't been resting for weeks! Wow. I see that the teachers are the ones who are suffering the most. My kids know nothing about this. Once Smith is gone everyone can heal and get a good nights rest. It has got to be the best thing for Mrs. Smith also. Who would want to stay were so many don't want you? If she can change and if she does get it together then she would be better off in an environment were a community hasn't lost all respect and trust in her.

  42. RE: Mrs. Hirn
    I don't think Mrs. Hirn is able to step back and look at the whole picture. She herself said she hasn't been able to sleep and after their meeting with Elia - promising a change/improvement with her principal - she was able to sleep for the first time. There obviously was an issue if you were not able to sleep - and when promised a change you were relieved and 'excited'.
    Mrs. Hirn, the parents were there trying to make sure Elia kept her word to YOU as a teacher as well as the children, staff and parents that there would indeed be a change.
    The parents support the teachers - didn't you hear us defend you when Elia tried to blame the teachers? Why do you think the parents bring up all of the teachers who left because of Smith's mismanagement? We want to make it better for the children and teachers and if one were to step back and look at this situation it would be very clear that is all the parents are attempting to do. There are a few who want the parents to just let it go, call the PTA the KKK, say we are all bad parents, our kids are wimps, say we need to get a life etc. But the majority of the response has been positive and agreed that a change must take place.
    You as a teacher would have to admit that the issues at hand are serious ones. Issues that should not be swept under the rug like they were made up by crazy parents. They should be addressed and corrected and made sure never to happen again. We all want to move forward but at this point we have waited upwards of 1-3 years for someone to look at these issues and still we do not see an action plan implemented. We want the same action plan as you as a teacher wants. We want a better working environment for you, our teacher and a safe place for our children to spend their days learning and growing.

  43. Please stop directing criticism at Mrs. Hirn. I'm sure she hasn't slept from all of the stress at school in general. No I am not her, but this is just mean. We have valid complaints for Mrs. Smith? Fine, I'm not denying those in this post. I'm just asking to please stop pointing fingers at specific teachers on this blog. Its not showing what we are truly trying to do, which is help our teachers and our children. It is damaging and affecting everyone, and yes, as a result, our children.

  44. Jack Lamb's daughter is Debra Arias.

  45. As a parent at Alafia I have tried to stay in the middle as I can not truly say I have had problems with the administration at our school.I know the parents of this school and do believe that in this community when they say there is a problem there is. I came to the meeting Thursday night to listen, and here about what is really going on. One thing definitely caught my attention. It was the behavior of Mrs. Hirn. I can tell you that my child has never had her for a teacher, and I can certainly gaurantee you he never will. The angry and aggressive outburst she had scared the bejesus out of me.
    If she can display that much hatred and anger in a meeting, I am certain she can use it in a classroom as well. My question to her is why haven't you been sleeping? And I really take GREAT OFFENSE to her comment about parents signing agendas. Is that what she worries about as a teacher? Is this one of the teachers who has replaced one of the 33 who have left?If this is the case then maybe I as a parent do have reason for concern.I have worked in this community for over 18 years in early childhood education and knew of many teachers there before my son even went to school.The reputation of the teachers in this school preceeded itself. My son has been blessed and has thrived due to the caring and committment of the teachers that he has had.My child was that so called "problem child" that everyone refers to, but not any more!Why? Because of his teachers loving guidance and committement.If Mrs. Hirn thinks that she spoke for those teachers she is wrong. Sorry!If she speaks about them moving forward from this she did nothing but push back the progress of what has been accomplished. It appears to me that if she is representative of Mrs. Smith administration, there is definitley a very hostile atmosphere that surrounds the campus. Frankly if my child displayed that type of behavior in her classroom, he would be removed, sent to the office and I would certainly be getting a phone call. We as parents were screamed at by those representing Mrs. Smith,and told to stop acting like children. Guess what? My child has never has acted like that!!Unfourtunately Mrs. Hirn when you took on the title of Teacher you gave up your right to act like that.You have exposed your true self Im afraid,and I would be embarrassed if I were you.

  46. Lesson 1 from the "Life Coach"...

    "Honey, you don't want no one, who don't want you !

  47. Remaidal Lesson #2 from "KARMA" Coach...

    "If you do what you always have done, you will get what you always have gotten"

  48. Life Lesson #2...

    "Communication is the key that will unlock the door to love,peace, and harmony"

    Mrs. Smith as your "Life" Coach, my records show you were absent on the day this lesson was taught. A "little birdy" told me you were taking notes in Micromanaging/Bulling with Mrs. Elia and she gave you an A+!

  49. Alafia .... Yes, Smith must go !

    But, don't send her to my school.

    Can you imagine the poor school that gets her! Will "Life" Coach follow too ?

  50. I think the meeting the other night went as expected. Some parents were prepared with what they wanted to say and presented that calmly and others are still feeling raw and wounded and that raw emotion came through There is nothing wrong with either way parents presented themselves (maybe a few too rough comments were made, but all things considered). This is a heated, emotional situation. Parents have children who have been hurt or neglected. Teachers we love have left and we are hurt. When one parent said we "need not beat a dead horse and move one" Elia said, " no parents need to share what they came here to share" and as I saw it, some parents are frustrated, to say the least, that they have not been heard - despite letters, phone calls and more. So these parents did take advantage of Ms Elia's presence to voice those concerns. I think referring to the situation as hostile was a bit extreme. It was heated - but these are parents with raw emotions still looking for concrete answers. They ask us to trust them to do the right thing and move on - but that trust has been broken and we won't believe change will occur, until we see it. For some of us it has been three years of this and we have kept quite for so long, and now we need to just let it all out. That is the beginning of healing.

  51. Interesting that Smith handles all things the same way. She is a poor communicator and is very self-absorbed. She does not have children of her own, she knows very little about children other than what she "learned" from others. There is more to this story - keep digging! We have to stay united. I am angry that my dollars are going to be used to pay someone else to "teach" her how to do her job! This is wrong!

  52. Mrs. Smith created the culture that exists at Alafia. Her negative treatment of teachers and parents is well know in the educational community.Still, she has a few supporters. Mrs.Hirn should know better than try to speak for the Alafia faculty.I certainly don't share her opinion or appreciate her misrepresenting the views of the majority. I wasn't happy when I left the meeting after Mrs. Elia spoke to us.Many others weren't either but we were given a veiled threat that we had to be on board with her plan. If you look at Mrs. Smith's Perception Inventory evaluated by the Instructional Staff, she was rated adequate or below in most categories.That says alot.My big question is,why does Mrs. Elia continue to protect her? Surely after the parent meeting she realizes that this situation cannot be healed.For the sake of everyone, Mrs. Smith should volunteer to leave.Is she thinking of the students? It is obvious that she can't lead. Now she will have a mentor and a life coach? Are you kidding? How much money will this total to be? This school doesn't belong to Ellyn Smith. It is a neighbor school and the community deserves a better leader.

  53. Why do we need to form a committee for this? The problem is the principal. I have 4 children, 2 that have been thru Alafia, Burns, and 1 graduated from Bloomindale HS and the other still at BHS. The 2 younger ones are at Alafia still. I wasn't at the meeting but I can tell you that we don't need a committee or a "lifecoach". What we need is a school board that does its' job! We have teachers that taught there for years that left because of this principal. We have teachers afraid to speak out publicly because of fear of retaliation. I know this to be true because teachers personally told us they left because of Ms Smith. We don't need to study this issue anymore. This is a problem where ever Ms Smith goes.

    This is a school that has a very high percentage of parent involvement. This is a school that had over 40 dads come for the All Pro Dad first breakfast. We had to share the lunch room with the free breakfast kids and couldn't even hear anything. Parental involvement is not the problem! Keeping quality teachers has never been a problem until Ms Smith showed up. I can't imagine why we keep having to "study" this issue. I don't see where a life coach will help. I can't believe that this issue can't be solved by removing Ms Smith. If she has failed in this position at so many other schools, why is she still employed?

    My wife and I have been involved at Alafia with our kids since 1996. The PTA is very active. School support at family dinner nights is always well attended. If the school board is suggesting that there is too much involvement by the parents, then we need a new school board too. Most schools seem to be begging for parent involvement. When my youngest had the kindergarden hoe down, we had parents standing around waiting to take a turn helping because there was too many! This is clearly not a parent problem!

    I heard last year that the board was ready to remove Ms Smith if parents complained one more time. Well, it has been more than 1 more time! We still can't get any action from the board. What does it take to get them to act? Maybe we need to take this to the State Board of Education, or our local Congressman.

  54. The idea to take this to the Board of Education and Rhonda Storms and Charlie Crist has already been started by a few. Help those of us that are making the calls and sending letters by doing the same thing. Our first goal is to get Mrs. SMith out of Alafia but our next one should be getting the school board investigated as to why they will not override Elia's decision. She does not have the final say so and the board has the power to remove Smith but they won't. Parents, WE CAN NOT STOP THE FIGHT!!!We must keep the pressure on the school board and get FDOE involved. We have come this far. If as many people that came to the meeting continue the fight that the 5 or 6 started for us, this will have a new level of momentum even stronger than what it was at the meeting. DON'T GIVE UP!!

  55. To the poster at 9:42 am-

    Mrs. Smith does have at least 1 child of her own. You can find him on the HCSO (Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office) website. This is something that has been known for some time now by a few parents at the school, but has been kept quite. I am not going to say his name on here but if you do some digging I'm sure you'll find out the story.

  56. The parents are the teachers' only hope!!! Please don't give up!!! Mrs. Hirn does not represent Alafia teachers NOT ONE BIT!! She's new and has no clue!!

  57. Come on people! Be offended, be very offended. They sent in an assessment team that was just as bad as the principal they were sent to evaluate. Don't settle for the worst they have. Call the Professional Practices Commission in Tallahassee and request an outside assessment.

    Happy Hunting!

  58. I think it's time for a new plan. Forget trying to get Smith removed.. Time to start the push to remove Elia and the board members.

  59. I checked here:


    And looked up E. Smith's Florida Education Certifications. It expires in June of 2009.

    Keep the pressure up and maybe she (or the state) will not renew it and she will retire or finally be fired.

  60. There is something very wrong here. If almost 300 of my customers and a bunch of my co-workers complained to my management team about me, I'd be replaced in a hearbeat. What possible reasons can there be to so tenaciously defend this woman and ignore the many pleas from both parents and teachers? Also, why would Smith want to show up every day to a place where she knows she isn't wanted? I'm just speculating here, but there must be more to this situation than we currently know. No employer I know, especially in this economy, would take such expensive and involved measures to keep someone on unless they knew letting them go would cause even greater harm either to themselves or their business. What harm can there be in letting an obnoxious and poorly performing employee go?

  61. Parents, please don't think for one minute that anything will change with passive measures. ROSSAC is full of bullies like Smith (see link) and they always protect their own. http://call-in-6.blogspot.com/

  62. The reason Smith's husband retired young was because he was going to be fired for sexual harassment that and Smith has dirt on Elia. There is something very fishy that needs to be looked into. That's all I'm sayin..

  63. Smith's husband was my American History teacher and he was worthless! He'd read the newpaper, drink his coffee, and flirt with the cheerleaders. It amazed me to later learn he had moved up to the position of principal. If she is anything at all like him, it makes me shudder!

  64. I bet the "dirt" the Smiths have on Elia has to do with the Maintenence Dept. which Elia ran prior to becoming the "Super." WoW! Great Reporting by D. Lawrence. Hagerty has selective amnesia. Elia's paranoia is starting to show, she's also going after teachers' who blog. Is she so vain to think she controls our 1st Amendment rights?
    KARMA baby KARMA...

  65. Just so you know, Rhonda Storms worked with Sherry Sikes in the late 80's at Bloomingdale High School. So she knows her personally and probably many others.

  66. When the person that said he had contacted Rhonda Storms was asked about it afterschool on Tuesday, there were not many answers given. It seems that there are a few people on board, that want to claim that they are doing something proactive but are actually doing nothing. Let's not assume that everyone else is doing something and we can sit back and wait. Someone very close to the situation said to keep the fight going, continue to send e-mails to all board members with concerns and situations and problems with the action plan. The suggestion was also made for more people to come to the school board meeting. We may be wrong that the school board are the people that are not correcting the situation. From what we are finding out, they may not have all the information that you think they have. When all is said and done, Elia and Smith may have a secret that no one knows about including the school board. KEEP UP THE PRESSURE!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO CONTINUE TO DO THIER PART ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT STARTED THIS FIGHT!!

  67. Well maybe not EVERYONE on the board knows...

    But I am not going to trust a corrupt system or its broken processes.

    I still say make alot of noise, but I'm not going to count on the good intentions of supposed ignorant victims. I don't believe anyone at ROSSAC is either ignorant or a victim.


Nov 26th 2008 Tampa Trib article....

"The beleaguered principal of Alafia Elementary School began her work week Monday as she usually does – standing in front of the Valrico school as the students arrived by car, bus or holding the hands of their parents.
This time, however, Principal Ellyn Smith had company. Longtime educator Grace
Ippolito was by Smith's side, greeting parents and students. Ippolito, who was principal when Alafia opened in 1987, returned to the school last week under an hourly paid contract with the Hillsborough County School District to serve as Smith's mentor and coach for an unspecified period of time. Her mission is to teach Smith the people skills Alafia parents say she's lacking."
***To read Full article, please click here:
Alafia Principal, Parents Begin Reconciliation
Published: November 26, 2008

Quotes From The Board.....

November 11, 2008:..... "It's usually not a good thing to have an assessment team come into a school," Faliero said. "It indicates there is enough evidence to suggest there were things that were not working for this school, that there is just cause to go forward and look into it."
November 10th, 2008:......"I thought it was a good meeting," Hegarty said after meeting with the Alafia faculty. "People spoke from the heart."
October 24th, 2008:.......Elia said school officials have held six meetings regarding the Alafia situation since June. Elia also met directly with the principal. "I want to make it clear that this is something that we have been working on," Elia said.
October 24th, 2008:....."
When a school is polarized, it's not a healthy environment for students or staff to be part of, and it filters out into the community as well," Faliero said.
October 10th , 2008: ....."The superintendent needs to get involved, and she needs to find out if there is just cause to these things that they are saying," Faliero said, adding that if true, the charges could be cause for dismissal.
"I just don't see that kind of unified concern from east Hillsborough unless they truly believe something is wrong."
Board chairwoman Jennifer Faliero said she has never seen such a large group of parents complain publicly about their school leader. She asked superintendent MaryEllen Elia to work with the parents and look into the situation.


2007-2008 WSE Survey conducted - April 2008

92% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not interact with others fairly and empathetically.

85% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not recognize and reward staff when appropriate.

69% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not promote a safe and orderly school culture that is conducive to learning.


** KEY Observations ** Assessment Team - November 2008

- The Team found a very stressful work environment for teachers and administrators. In addition, the community is experiencing the stress felt at the school.

- Some parent and staff interviews revealed a fear of retaliation for speaking honestly and openly to our assessment team

- Faculty, staff, administration and parents appear fragmented and in distress.


Parents Speak Out

"You're going to give her a life coach? In the real world, we don't get a life coach. We get fired!"



Should Alafia Become A Charter School?