Welcome To Alafia Lisa Tierney-Jackson!

Alafia Elementary welcomes new principal -- former Cypress Creek Elementary principal Lisa Tierney-Jackson.

Nov 12, 2008

Parents Speak Out

Parents - Add your comments or stories here:


  1. I agree that Mrs. Smith should be removed from the school! I am a parent at the school and I see on a daily basis the harm that she is causing the school. We will loose many more teachers this year if this principal is allowed to micro manage this school any longer.

  2. Jennifer at 10:08pm November 11
    This is my opinion and my opinion only.... if u dont like then kiss my butt... My nephew attends this school and I follow this story in the Tampa news papers!! As I lived in this area at one point in my life and I am very familiar with the situation!! My child would of been at this school had I not moved back to Ohio. Guess I can be thankful for ... Read Morethat!! I think it is wrong that this principal has NOT been held accountable for her actions and her POOR management skills!! I am proud of the parents that tried their best to bring the serious concerns to the school board and whoever they thought would listen!!!!! Now...many children, parents, and great teachers have to suffer and dread dealing with this whole situation. I think this whole issue needs more attention!!! This principal is not a person that needs to be involved in the molding of young children!! She is not at all concerned with the welfare of any child!!!

  3. I praise the teachers at Alafia elementary for keeping it a A rated school in spite of the fact that Mrs. Smith is the principal. I now worry that if she continues to be the principal the rest of the faculty will leave. I can't imagine seeing such great, great, teachers leaving because of the administration! Mrs. Elia needs to prevent this from happening!!!

  4. My family made the decision to move out of the area after my child attended Alafia from Kindergarten-4th grade because of the poor actions of this principal. Not only is she not parent and teacher friendly, but she allows the good kids to be bullied by the so-called troubled kids and turns things around in their favor. Alafia is her school and she will run it however she wants (her exact words). Thank goodness we moved because my child now attends a school that has a principal that supports her teachers, students and parents 100% and my child enjoys going to school everyday. Don't give up Alafia parents! I would think that the strong voice of the parents would tell her she is not wanted any longer. Why do you want to be where you are not wanted? Mary Ellen, sounds like you are supporting her and not the parents and teachers. You should get your priorities straight.

  5. Would someone please say just what Mrs. Smith has done that is counterproductive and contrary? Specific examples, no names. Instead of saying over and over how bad she is.

  6. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. West are directly responsible for the low teacher morale and high teacher turnover at Alafia in the last 3 years. We are looking at losing another large amount of teachers unless the administration is changed. Whether you have had something done directly to you or not doesn't change the fact that our great teachers who spend 7 hours a day with our children and teach them not only reading, writing and math but also life lessons are wanting to leave because of the retaliation and intimidation that is a way of life at Alafia. The way that this situation has been handled by the powers that be leave me very disappointed in our school system. A teacher that has an allegation made against them of any kind of misconduct is removed immediately. Mrs. Smith has had countless complaints made against her since becoming a principal but continues to be protected and her mismanagement overlooked. There is something seriously wrong here. The saddest part of all of this is that teachers and parents spoke from their heart and shared with the assessment team everything they had to offer and it was all for nothing.

  7. Maybe someone should ask the question what Mrs. Elia is doing with her $252,913 annual salary!!! Thats not to mention the $48,000 bonus she received last year for doing such a lousy job! What are we really paying her to do? Help our teachers or fund her luxuries??

  8. Another parent shared with me that Mrs. Smith was in a Kindergarten classroom screaming at the teacher - in front of the students - when one of the "evaluators" walked in and witnessed the event. This sounds like inexcusable behavior for anyone, let alone a principal at one of our schools.

    Another example: Mrs. Smith refused to greet parents as they arrived in the mornings - on foot - to drop off their children. I began to make a point of saying "Good Morning" to her since I found her behavior very rude. Initially she ignored me, then one day she only said good morning to my child without acknowledging me at all. Gradually, she has begun to greet parents in the morning, although I wouldn't call it "warmly", rather, obligatory.

    I've personally heard her speaking in a condescending manner to children over and over again. And then she'll turn around and praise the patrol members for standing and holding a flag, as if this were some great achievement. Very condescending.

    She claims her email isn't working if you email her about a problem, but is quick to respond if you send a thank you email for getting an obvious problem finally fixed.

    Someone asked for examples...who's got more?

  9. Here is another example of safety issue:

    Several parents and teachers witnessed a child on the school grounds unattended last year making a spear out of a sapling the child had just pulled down in the school yard. Mrs. Smith and a male teacher approached the child spoke with him and then walked away and left "him" alone. This all occurred in the morning around 9:30. The parents and teachers were leaving on a field trip and the teachers were very concerned about what was happening with the child. They were told to "mind their own business" and get on the buses by Smith.

    I would say that a child making a spear is a safety issue. Who was the child planning to use the spear on? This particular child was known to have already threatened a teacher and several students. Also, what stopped someone from abducting that child while "he" was out there alone or stopped him from walking off campus?

    A responsible administrator would have had someone sit at a safe distance and keep an eye on the child while the parent or a school safety officer could be notified. But we all know (and does the School Board) that Smith is not a responsible administrator.

  10. It breaks my heart that my youngest child will not have the benefit of some one the wonderful teachers that his brothers have had and I am sure that Mrs Smith is to blame but not all the teachers that have left have been losses for Alafia, some pretty bad ones have exited and if she is the cause for that then good for her.

  11. I have had one dealing with Mrs. Smith. The outcome of which can only be described as disappointing. Her demeanor was aloof and foul. The situation was never resolved and to some degree worsened. Mrs Smith when a child is threatened and assaulted under your watch and a parent insists upon a guarantee that such a incident will never happen again. Your response should be a clear affirmation that you will do everything within your power to ensure that it does not. Certainly you wouldn't want to portray yourself as a smug bureaucrat by giving an answer of "well I cannot guarantee anything". Certainly, Mrs Smith, as an effective leader, you would not give such a response?

  12. The results of this assessment team are insulting to the parents, teachers and students. Why would a principal for 10 years need to be given basic principal 101 classes to do her job? Why should the AP (who is clearly of the same mind and body as Smith) need to have a mentor brought in if Smith is a true leader and example of what is right in principals? Why should the teachers have to attend "ethics training" when the only one who needs it is Smith and West? I can not believe that this team of highly paid administrators, guidance counsellors and principals were actually paid to come up these solutions and TRULY believe them to be what will solve our problems at Alafia. I think that this report is more damning for Smith and West and that in the right hands of an attorney, with the many piles of letters and notes this team received, will be the end of the Smith dictatorship. Let's sit and watch how it all plays out. In the meantime, teachers, please don't give up yet. We are all on your side and are fighting this battle so you will not leave our school.

  13. Attorneys and piles of letters???? When I wrote my letter I was assured that I would remain anonymous, just as I can be here in this forum. You can not be serious about those things being made public, I am not alone in wanting to remain anonymous as I have heard from many parents.

  14. The parent letters are anonymous. If you notice, they are not even mentioned in the report. I think the comment made was just that this report does not hold any water as giving a clear explanation as to why this principal should continue to lead a school that is in fear of her and that needs to have almost 3 dozen "band aides" in place to stop the bleeding for now.

  15. Allow the assessment to be implemented?? The reality is that she will relocate or retire within the next few years. She will laugh at the assessment and make a few small changes to appease the county. I believe in accountability, with my employees and my children. It is a disgrace to Alafia to allow her to stay a week longer. Fire her, strip her of her pension and set an example. I would encourage all concerned parents to step up to the plate. Call Mrs. Elia, Mr, Smith and Mr. Otero. Do not take No for an answer and do not except excuses. We are a country built on this premise, to stand up against tyranny and injustice. We cannot allow Mrs. Smith to stay any longer.

  16. "Strip her of her pension"? I don't agree with that. I am a VERY involved parent (especially in regards to this issue), and truly believe Smith does not belong in a supervisory role of any kind - let alone an elementary school. However, she has worked in the school system for many years and has earned a pension just as any other employee. Steps should have been taken by the adminstration in reagrds to her problems years ago. However, they were not and Smith has worked and earned her pension benefits. I think you would need to show gross misuse of funds or something like that in order to take away her benefits.
    I would be fine with the school giving her an early retirement package - just so that she can not cause any further damage to any area of the school system. But to take away her earned retirement benefits would be, in my opinion, unfair.
    That being said, the Assessment team was obviously NOT unbiased, and presented a sham of a report. I will continue in my efforts to get the school to do the right thing. The only thing I hope to teach my children (someday - they are too young to be involved in this now) is to stand up for what you believe in - even when its hard. Injustice can only prevail when people sit idly back and allow it to occur.

  17. I support the teachers 100%. And I want to help save them from anymore hardships!

    In the School Board's eyes, Mrs. Smith does a great job as principal. There are just some parents who are angry. The teachers are to blame for forgetting about their "Ethics Training" and speaking negatively about the principal. If the teachers stop talking, and the unhappy teachers leave all will be fine. This is what they believe. They also believe parents don't know what they are talking about. All parents are a pain and looked down upon as the teachers are!! In the School Board's eyes, they are the profesionals and they are not wrong about this. There is no way they will listen to our well written letters and phone calls about these issues. THEY ARE RIGHT! WE ARE WRONG!
    All of our issues have another side to them. Mrs. Smith is VERY good at putting her "spin" on things. Her collegues believe she, "truely cares about those kids". Yes that is a quote.
    Just like someone said in an above comment....I think the only way to help the teachers stay at Alafia is to BUG THE SCHOOL BOARD UNTIL THEY CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE. If they keep thinking she capable, then send her somewhere else!!

  18. Steve Hegarty, who is the public relations speaker for Mrs. Elia, was one of the members from the 16 man team that was sent to Alafia. Explain to me how this can be a "fair" person to be involved in the impartial team? Isn’t it his job to keep anything that makes Mrs. Elia or the school district look bad out of the papers? Why would he want to report on what is really going on at Alafia? COME ON!!! If the school district really cared about having a fair team to investigate, wouldn’t they want to choose people whose job does not depend on the report that they write?? This is just another example of how this whole system is corrupt. Talk about intimidation! Where do you think the Alafia principal learned it? When it comes out what they are really hiding, they are going to wish they listened to those original 5 parents who spoke up at the school board meeting.

  19. Tell me..give me specific examples of what she has done that made everyone so angry... Not from the Teachers (that should only be between Mrs.Smith and them),..but from the Parents..
    Is it because she no longer wants the school to be overcrowded with parents wondering around???
    Tell me..

  20. Interesting how the assessment report listed below states in the title "Parent Report" and no one has shared the results of this report with the parents, except what we have read in the papers. I just find this whole situation sad and I feel as if the "system" has let everyone involved in this situation down.

  21. This is all to keep our teachers. People are refusing to work for her. We are not talking about 1 or 2 teachers. Not talking about "older teachers". We are talking about Hillsborough County's Best! These are outstanding teachers with a God-given gift to teach children. When we drop our children off in the morning we see how stressed they are. We've witness the harshness they have received, seen them cry, and watched them give up and leave a school they love. I'll give up my one hour a week volunteer time slot reading to my child's class if the teachers will be allowed an opportunity to work in a less stressful environment that doesn't foster fear and intimidation.

    I hate the fact that the school board is allowing this to drag on and get uglier and uglier. Why someone was allowed to conduct practices that foster fear of intimidation and retaliation in the first place is wrong.

    I'm glad to read she has a loving and supportive husband, everyone needs support.

  22. The time for surveys. assessments, and training of the Alafia Principal is now over. It is time for action. Alafia Elementary should not be a training ground for an ineffective leader who has shown no measurable inclination or ability to change as evidenced by the data shown below compiled by the Hillsborough County School District .

    In the 2007-2008 Whole School Effectiveness (WSE) survey conducted in April 2008, the following three key statistics among several others jumped out at us:

    92% of 48 teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not interact with others fairly and empathetically.

    85% of 48 teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not recognize and reward staff when appropriate.

    69% of 48 teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not promote a safe and orderly school culture that is conducive to learning.

    The three top bullet items in the recently published parent version of the School Effectiveness Assessment Report dated November 10, 2008 stated the following:

    Based on observations and data collected, the School Effectiveness Assessment Team found a very stressful work environment for teachers and administrators. In addition, the community is experiencing the stress felt at the school.

    Some parent and staff interviews revealed a fear of retaliation for speaking honestly and openly to our assessment team

    Faculty, staff, administration and parents appear fragmented and in distress.

    These are from two separate studies completed 8 months apart and compiled by Hillsborough school district personnel which corroborate each other. These studies indicate strongly a leadership problem at Alafia Elementary. The responsibility for these issues lies with the Principal who as per the Hillsborough County School Board Policy manual (** version 3.02 dated 2/15/05) carries direct and primary responsibility for their school.

    Will the district allow the continued turnover of outstanding teachers at Alafia as a result of these issues and risk the superb education that this school has provided to several hundreds of children on behalf of an ineffective principal as evidenced by the facts stated above?

    How can trust be built in this environment with the existing principal? Alafia needs a change in leadership that will work to build trust and rapport between the administration and teachers. As very concerned Alafia parents, it seems obvious to us that building this trust is critical to ensuring that we can retain qualified teachers and allow them to do their job effectively.

    As parents, we do not believe it is unreasonable to expect that at a minimum, our children’s school principal conducts business fairly and in a transparent manner.

    Among the 17 items in the School Assessment that the survey team members noted the administration needed to work on - they included concepts oriented towards eliminating practices that foster fear of intimidation and retaliation as well as promoting greater transparency and two-way communication at Alafia. If that is the case, then why were the teachers effectively given a gag order when this information was presented to them by the Assessment Team personnel? Why were the parents who have been requesting District action told they should no longer document or communicate the outcome and decisions from meetings with school administration and district personnel? The parents who initially began to voice the concerns reflected in the surveys above were told on July 17, 2008 by District personnel (Mr. Brinson and Mr. Otero) that they recognized there were major issues at the school that needed to be addressed and they stated that Ellyn Smith needed to take ownership of the problems at the school. Mr. Brinson then stated that if Mrs. Smith could not unite teachers and parents and make a complete change in the school culture by day one of the 2008-2009 school year, that they would be forced to make changes at the school. That never happened and now it appears - in spite of the studies completed above - that no real effective action is going to be taken. We have done our best to address this problem internally over the past several months starting directly with the principal and working up the school district chain of command. How many more studies and how much money will we as taxpayers be required to spend to try to train, support, and monitor an ineffective principal at the expense of teachers. parents, and students? This is an excessive waste of taxpayer dollars and sets an example for a lack of accountability.

    Ms. Faliero stated this about Alafia in the Oct 7, 2008 schoolboard meeting: “when a school is polarized, it’s not a healthy environment for students or staff to be part of”. Given all that has transpired, how can leaving the current leadership in place allow for the required reunification and healing of Alafia?

    We are frustrated by attempts to portray this as a problem started by a few parents or now apparently by some members of the Assessment team attempting to shift the accountability for this problem to the teachers. The data noted above strongly suggests otherwise. The principal should be held accountable for her actions. Teachers and parents should no longer be held hostage to her lack of leadership ability.

    I hope Mrs. Elia will act on behalf of our children and remove the Alafia Principal from her position without further delay. I hope she will carefully consider a worthwhile replacement. We need an experienced leader with strong interpersonal skills that can help our school recover and reunite.

  23. Dear anonymous 4:21 -

    I have read your letter and understand some of your points (although the nummerous spelling and grammar mistakes gave me pause), but I would like to give you some VERY important information.

    Parent volunteers provide an important service to the school. They help with copies, cuttting, stapling, and other projects. They open juice boxes in the lunchroom. They escort the little ones to the library. They hang stuff up and take stuff down. They pack boxes, they move boxes, they unpack boxes. They do special projects and games with kids and clean up messes, too! I just can't list all the things they do. They do it so that the teacher can devote more time to instruction and less to preparation and maintenance (although teachers still have to do ALOT of that stuff too). They do it for your kid and for mine.

    Please don't judge all parent volunteers because of one or two who used bad judgement. Heck, even Mrs. Smith says stupid things. Like when a child was taken away by ambulance (because of multiple broken bones) and she said "It was just because of an overreacting parent".

    Hopefully you will never know the day when you have to go to Mrs. Smith because your child has been assaulted (I'm talking punching, choking, stabbing, and so on) or threatened (with serious physical harm or with a weapon) and have her mishandle or refuse to handle the situation. Hopefully you will never ask for her assistance and receive in return her cold, condescending remarks, or her total avoidance of you and your child's problem. Perhaps you don't know that the most talented, dedicated teachers have left or will soon leave. Perhgaps you don't care, as long as YOUR child seems to be being treated fairly.

    Alafia used to have a copy team. Why don't you approach Mrs. Smith about getting that going again? Maybe you can be in charge of it. Perhaps a little more interaction with Mrs. Smith when you are trying to actually get things done will open your eyes to the situation.

  24. To Anonymous:
    I take offense to your comment that the PTA "bashes" Mrs. Smith. If your point is valid, you should take your story to the PTA president so that she can address this. We work very hard to uphold a strong feeling of community in the school and have also worked extra hard this year to make everyone feel welcome and accepted. If you have a problem with one PTA member, please do not compare us all in this matter. I have been on the PTA for 3 years and I have never heard anyone "bashing". Our job is to work together with the parents and teachers to have the best school possibe FOR OUR CHILDREN. Everything we do is for our kids, that's what it is about. What we do on PTA is VOLUNTEER!! We do not get paid for all the hard work we do. I plan all the special events in the school so that there are fun things available for our kids and families to do together. This takes alot of time and planning. I do it b/c I want to have the best school possible for our kids and for them to have fun times and remember Alafia as a great school!

    I don't know what everyone is talkiing about...parents wanting to run the school. Seriously, what parent would want to do that with no pay?? This IS about not having teachers by the dozen leave every year. This is about having a good working environment for our teachers so that they can concentrate on teaching our children.

    Wendy Peregolise

  25. Don't you think we're past the point of compromise? I ould have compromied months ago, but now there is too much water under the bridge.

    Look at the poll results so far, 90% say we need a new principal. Should we just ignore this statistic as well?

  26. I have the perfect solution. It just came to me. I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner. We need to handle this the elementary school way ..... DODGEBALL!

    We put the Mrs. Smith supporters on 1 side of the parking lot, the folks that think she should leave on the other and let the big red balls fly!

    Winning team takes all. What do you say?

  27. Wendy - I appreciate your post. I know you are not part of any problem. I am just sorry people feel the need to attack one another on this site as oppose to post the facts. I for one am scared to post the specific things that have happened to my child, because I know Ms Smith and others are reading this and they would know who I was if I was too detailed. I can't help how I feel, the fear still exists.

  28. It is so sad to read that people think that fighting a cause that directly affects our children means we have "too much time on our hands" or that we "need to get a life." This is not just for our children but for the children of the parents that fail to be involved in their children's school for whatever reason. I do not volunteer at the school regularly, I am not on the PTA and never have been and I am not a homeroom parent this year but you have to be totally clueless to not know what is going on at the school. For those of you who want to criticize those of us fighting to make Alafia a better place for our students and teachers, take a day and come to the school or help at a holiday party or better yet, show up tomorrow and Monday where parents will be seen carrying shelves, packing and taping boxes, cleaning portables and making the move easier for the K-2 classes and never complaining about any of it. Do you have any idea why? Because they want the teachers to be able to carry out their regular routine and teach the children...not just their own children but your children too. Come on and lend a hand instead of judging the people that make the school day and special events better for your child. If I had to guess, we probably won't see any new faces on campus tomorrow. It will be the same people who help day in and day out for the children at Alafia. Wendy and the rest of the PTA, you have been the one bright spot at Alafia this year. Thank you for all your hard work.

  29. Anonymous 9:45

    I know you are scared...most of us are. But a few people have REALLY stuck their necks out. Should it be all for nothing? This is your chance to make a difference. Will you be someone who turns a blind eye to the abuse of power we are seeing? Or will you stand up and make a difference?

  30. Wendy,
    I applaud you for standing up for what you believe in. I do not think you or the PTA are part of the problem. I see how hard you guys work for the school. My family has attended many of those after school events that you planned for the students. I agree that the PTA this year has been a bright spot at Alafia!

  31. Ah, just another typical morning taking my children to school.

    I start off seeing yet again, the adult who is SUPPOSED to be posted to watch the children going back to the portables, is standing well in front of the new building, where she wouldn't even be able to HEAR let alone SEE if there were any problems. This is after several parents made it known earlier in the year that it was too far away from any adult supervison (that trek back to the end portable) and that the area wasn't secure. But being a concerned "parent with too much time on my hands" I stood there watching other people's children to make sure they got to their portables without incident. To the previous poster who doesn't see the problem....maybe it was your little girl I watched on her way today to ensure her safety.

    Then on to my child's class for drop off. Oh.....they are moving. Packing boxes....with no notice. I asked was a letter coming home about this? Was any help needed (since I have "nothing better to do" than help at the school). I was told a "generic" letter would be coming home "next week." Great communication about things that directly affect my child's day - and that was NOT the teachers' call, but Mrs. Smith's.

    On my way off campus....before that bell rings and makes me there "unauthorized"....a parent stops me to ask if I knew anything about the awards assembly they had last week. Sure I do. This new parent asks me why it wasn't "posted" or the parents weren't "invited" or at least made aware so they could be given an opportunity to show up and support their children. Excellent questions, new parent. Ask the principal.

    OK, none of this is earth shattering....but it just demonstrates that in ten little minutes of a typical morning drop-off, our school is not what it could be. Or should be.

  32. Someone wants examples of why Mrs. Smith should be removed? Oh, my -- where to begin? How about an airgun brought on campus by a child who had repeatedly threatened to kill his teacher and classmates (he also violently attacked children on an almost daily basis without repercussion). There was no expulsion, not even a suspension. Isn't there a zero tolerance policy for weapons on Hillsborough campuses?

    Want more? How about a 5-year-old kindergartener being allowed to walk off campus down a busy road without intervention? The Assistant Principal trailed several hundred yards behind, but took no action. An astonished parent offered to retrieve him, but was told the situation was under control. Really? From such a distance back, the AP could not possibly have prevented that child from severe injury - or worse - had he been struck by a car. Mrs. Smith's policy on "runners" is to "let them run." At a minimum, we're talking about child endangerment. At worst, criminal negligence.

    Both of these situations, and MANY more, were reported to the assessment team, but the team's final report made no mention at all of safety, security, or disciplinary concerns at Alafia. While it was quite interesting to learn that we need some visitor parking spaces and that the campus is generally tidy, the assessment team's findings would be laughably incomplete but for the tragic nature of its glaring omissions.

    Mrs. Smith MUST be removed. There is simply no possibility that the toxic atmosphere at Alafia can be corrected while she's at the helm. The teacher turnover rate during her tenure is nothing less than astounding, and a large new wave of teacher defections is on the horizon this year if she is not removed. These dedicated, loving, experienced educators simply cannot continue to function under the tyranny they experience daily at the hands of this principal. I pray that Mrs. Smith leaves before we lose so much as one more fine teacher.

  33. I just saw a comment over in the teacher posted at 7:44am - obviously not a teacher, as they are all at work with our kids right now. They commented that Smith focuses on what really effects education not all those "parties, parents, PTA, and pep talks." I am sorry but those are some of the very things that make an elementary education so memorable. My mom wasn't able to volunteer alot as she was a working mom, but I remember every time she came to my school for special plays and awards. That meant something to me. Kids remember the Miss Spider Tea Parties and "Snow Days" and remember the lessons they learned about those events. Education is not just FCAT scores and weekly spelling tests. Education is learning friendships, character, trust and so much more. These are the things that mold the character of our children and yes that IS a part of elementary education. As for pep talks - a good leader encourages their team to be better at their job - they don't use fear and intimidation.

    If you aren't a teacher, don't post in their arena to voice their concerns and issues. The purpose of this site seems to be to inform others of the situation. If you have things to share,positive or negative, note them in the area that you are a part of.

    Do we need to a section for spouses?

  34. ANON - 11/14 @ 12:47

    about your comment "the airgun brought to campus by a child who had repeatedly threatened to kill his teacher and classmates (he also violently attacked children on an almost daily basis without repercussion). I know who you are talking about and my child was in his classroom.. Let me tell you the real facts!! This child was in Mrs. Little's class. He has some mental issues and because of that was placed in her classroom. The airgun being brought to school was picked up from someones front yard and brought onto campus. Another child saw it and took it to the office. Where Mrs. Smith handled it as if a real gun was brought onto campus.. by calling in the police. YES.. the child did throw many items in the classroom on a daily basis, but everyday when I was there Mrs. Smith, Mrs. West and Mrs. Carver spent a lot of their day each and everyday in the classroom to make sure the other children were kept safe and had a learning and productive day. May be you should have called the office that same day to get the correct story!!

  35. How timely - the pre-registration for the "2009-2010 Hillsborough Virtual School" came home yesterday. Maybe that's where Mrs. Smith and her "talents" would fit best...being the principal of a VIRTUAL school instead of our ACTUAL school.

  36. This is about the comment about the air gun brought to school. I have not posted in this type or forum before, but when I was told there was a comment on this blog site about an incident that MY child was a part of, I had to post and let everyone what really happened! The child that brought the gun to school was a classmate with my child. MY CHILD is the one who told his teacher and Mrs. Smith about the gun! The child who brought the gun to school DID NOT find it in the front yard on the way to school; he stole it from his older brother. He told MY child that he brought the gun to school because he was going to "kill" another classmate. Next he tried to sell the gun to another student. When MY child came home that day from school he told me what happened and I was absolutely SHOCKED that I did not receive a phone call or even a note home in the back pack about what had happened! I called the school to find out what was going on and the only response I got was "it’s been taken care of"! No explanation of anything! This is an example of how the lack of communication between the administration and the parents is causing a huge problem at the school. This child was allowed to come to school the very next day! UNBELIEVABLE!!

  37. We purchased our house in this area based on the wonderful history of Alafia Elementary. The year we moved here was Mrs. Smith’s first year at Alafia. My son was in starting the 5th grade, 3 weeks into the semester my son came home very upset saying that kids were making fun of him because he was put in a 4th grade class. He went on to explain to us that Mrs. Smith had come to him 3 days before and said she was going to put him in a ‘Special Advanced 5th Grade Class’. Mrs. Smith NEVER once spoke to us about changing my son’s class let alone grade! I went to the school the next day and my son took me to his ‘new’ classroom where I spoke to his ‘new’ teacher. She explained to me that Mrs. Smith had taken all of the 5th grade transfer students from other states and put them in her class which was originally a 4th grade class. The teacher said that Mrs. Smith was afraid that the transfer students wouldn’t know how to write an expository essay for the FCAT and that would bring down her numbers. The teacher was distraught about this situation herself as she was now forced to try and teach a ½ 4th grade class and ½ 5th grade class. The teacher also said that if it were her child she would pull them out of this class and demand that he be put back in a regular classroom. We did just that, we grabbed his backpack took him back to his original classroom and headed to see the principal. My husband and I asked her why she had removed our son without notifying us and she said that she did not have to inform us of anything she did at her school. After going back and forth for 20 minutes, not once did Mrs. Smith show an ounce of concern for my son and what was in his best interest, only showing aggression that we were there questioning her actions. I have never sat across such a hostile person in my life. By the end of the conversation we found out that Alafia did not have the school records (had yet to request them) for my son so really she had no idea what kind of student he was or if he truly could or could not write her FCAT essay. We ended the conversation with - either put my son back in the correct classroom or we go to the board. That day my son returned to his original 5th grade classroom, took the FCAT a few weeks later and passed without any issue. This was our first experience with Mrs. Smith with many more to follow. I have heard that most of the children who were put in that makeshift classroom were forced to stay there and I have also heard from many families of those children that their education suffered because the teacher was unable to focus on the entire class. Half the day was focused on the 4th grade and the other half the 5th grade. That teacher left shortly after this ordeal. I don’t know if the focus of the principal should just be on #’s and not the wellbeing of the students. If seems there needs to be a happy medium and I don’t know if we can get that with this administration currently in place.

  38. I have a question. What does the PTA have to do with any of this? The person who posted about removing the PTA obviously does not know WHAT the PTA does for the school. Has the PTA done something wrong? If so, please post just the facts. As far as I know, the PTA works side by side with Mrs. Smith and the parents to accomplish great things for Alafia. There are 28 members on the PTA board, this includes Mrs. Smith. I really do not understand how bashing the PTA is going to solve anything. If anyone has any issues with this VOLUNTEER organization, the best thing to do is contact the president of the PTA and voice your concerns. It’s not fair to lump this group into what is going on at the school. It is my understanding that the PTA is trying to stay out of the whole thing. Please let them do their job at the school and keep them out of anything going on here.

  39. I found this posted on a school board member's site: The report and it's findings were given to the faculty and staff at Alafia on Monday. The parents have still not been offered a copy or an opportunity to have things explained. As we all suspected, Mrs. Smith will remain protected. It was told to the teachers that they need to learn how to team build, they must not compare the past to present, to feel free to use the 5 free mental health appointments that their insurance will cover to help deal with the stress they are under. They were told not to communicate with the parents about anything other than the student's progress and they were told that all this information was being made available to them so they could make a decision about what to do by transfer time. All of this being told to them while Mrs. Smith is sitting in the room listening, observing and gloating. The teachers were humilitated at the hands of this county. They put their hearts and souls into the interviews with the 16 person team. All to be told it was not as big a deal and they are making it out to be. We are asking you to read the report and dig deeper as to why she was not removed. If the people downtown think she is so harmless, they need to find a place for her with them and let our teachers, students and parents stop suffering at the hands of this woman. There were people that made the predicitions. We truly didn't want to believe that this system could ever REALLY be as corrupt as what people have said. Yesterday, we had to face the truth and find out that it is as bad, if not worse, than what we were told. What has happened at Alafia should be a wake up call for everyone in this county as to what is going on in our school system.

  40. Another posting to a school board member:
    Alafia needs your support! The School Effectiveness Assessment Team was there this week and many tears were shed by teachers, parents, and even empathetic Team members as the interviews unfolded. Ms. Elia would lead us to believe that this is just three or four disgruntled parents trying to "lynch" a principal. Those "few" are really in the hundreds. The Assessment Team was overwhelmed by parent letters and requests for interviews. Dozens of teachers shared their incredible stories of abuse and humiliation at the hands of the Alafia principal. The Team actually had to protect a teacher from anticipated principal retaliation while she conducted a special classroom event. Alafia is in crisis and the administrators must be removed IMMEDIATELY! It is a powder keg waiting to explode. Teachers and parents have laid it all on the line to share their horror stories, but now there is great fear that the principal's influence on the Board with long-time friend Jack Lamb and her close relationships with MaryEllen Elia and Sherrie Sikes will somehow protect her, even in the face of all the incredible evidence of her failures, abuses and misconduct. Please don't let that happen! Look at the unbelievable details in the Assessment Team's data. You'll be flabberghasted by what you learn.

  41. Yet another plea to the school board member: Please help us at Alafia Elementary. The team was there all week...the teacher's horror stories shared with all...parents, former and past, arrived with letters to share concerns...mounds of paperwork in the conference room today to go through and figure out how to put it into a report. The question is: When it is all out there and the truth is there for all to read, will Mrs. Smith STILL be protected and be allowed to threaten and intimidate? We BEG you to help us!! No one is listening. It is greater than those 5 parents. There are hundreds who showed up to speak...Look at the numbers.

  42. This is a very saddening & frustrating situation. Parents should not be debating issues amongst eachother, rather comparing notes. Try and understand why another parent feels so strongly one way or another in this matter rather than saying they're wrong, or blaming all of the volunteering parents.

    I will say, the "save alafia" signs got a mixed reaction from me. On one side I'm thinking "RIGHT ON!" because this gets the whole Bloomingdale community involved. There are older families that moved here b/c of the great schools, knowing that by the time their kids were grown they could more easily sell their homes based on the schools in this neighborhoo, or younger families who bought homes here just waiting for the day to send their kids to the great schools here. Those people aren't on campus and may've somehow missed the newspaper articles regarding the issues, they probably will have an opinion too and now they know how to look into this and perhaps get involved themselves. On the other hand though, there are the other parents who bought in this neighborhood who are currently sending our kids to this TROUBLED school and our kids have to see those signs....now we, as parents, must explain something to our kids. I'm not entirely sure that is fair to our children.

    That brings me to my next point. This for my husband & I is 100% about our kids. Elementary school is the FOUNDATION of their futures!! Right now, that is everything. My children currently have a group of the most AMAZING TEACHERS (in 4th & 2nd grades) that I have ever known. I have heard that these particulary teachers are all part of the 22 teachers who have stated their intent to leave at the end of this school year, IF NOT SOONER! One of these teachers is a true veteran teacher and doesn't need to search & hope for relocation, she can retire. The thought of her choosing to retire knowing how much LOVE she has for teaching these children is truly heartbreaking to me. I'm still holding out hope that she will teacher at least one more of my three other children in the future. Another of these teachers I know is being sought out by another Principal in the district to teach at her school. I don't want any more of these great teachers to leave! Alafia lost some incredible assets last year: Nelson, Ford, Spagnola, Firestein. Forgive me for any mispellings there but, those are just a few examples of who has left. We also have an EXCELLENT Kindergarten team that's been here for years that we may lose after this year if Smith is not removed, I've held onto the comforts of knowing these great teachers will be there when my younger two children join Alafia, now I fear they may all be gone!

    As far as the PTA, homeroom parents and regular parent volunteers, they truly are the core of what keeps our school interactive & fun! They organize all of the family dinner nights, the school dances that are for your entire family, fall festival and most importantly right now, PTA IS THE ONLY ONES KEEPING PARENTS INFORMED ABOUT EVENTS RIGHT NOW! Where are the school newsletters from Smith? Where were the school notices of Open House? Teachers scrambled to announce open house b/c Smith sent NOTHING out. We should know our students are being relocated to portables! Or that the library is half packed up right now and the kids don't have that resource center to use!

    The teachers have been stripped of using their "outside of the box" teaching tactics b/c Smith things it's just uneducational play - it's NOT! Those are the things that the children REALLY remember for years. It's not all about books and tests, you have to keep things exciting to hold a child's interest, especially with a classroom full of kids that really just want to chat and play with their friends when they're this young!

    I do agree there's been some really obnoxiously gung-ho HR Moms in the school that try to take charge of a lot but, the majority is there to help the teacher and keep the class informed. If any of you feel parent volunteers get in the teachers' way...ASK your child's teacher how they feel. Of all the teachers my children have had between them in the last 5 years, every one of them was grateful for their parent volunteers! Some of them even needed MORE volunteer help! It's not because they are poor teachers, just that everyone needs a helping hand sometimes!

  43. Perfectly said...

    Thank you :-)

  44. …”Perfectly said”……? And not fight for what is right? Not fight for our children? Where would we be if it was not for the people who stand up and fight for what is right, fair and just?
    My son just came home yesterday and said Mrs. Smith was screaming at a child in the hallway and it was so loud his teacher and entire class could hear everything she was saying to this boy with their door shut. Is this a good environment? Do you think she should have addressed whatever issue she had with this child in her office and if it is to the point where Mrs. Smith is screaming at the top of her lungs scaring the other children - your children and mine- then maybe this would be an issue for the parents to be involved in. If this was your child would you want the principal behaving this way? Or would you expect the principal to have a better handle on her day-to-day responsibilities and handle a situation such as this in a more professional manor?

  45. Again, I will say that until the parents that haven't had to deal with problems at the school are let down by Mrs. Smith, they won't understand. I certainly hope that your child is never bullied, attacked, or injured, because then you will see her inaction and lack of empathy. Only then will you understand.

    Also, new parents don't know understand the great loss our school has experienced with the departure of some great teachers (and how much more we stand to lose when the 22 start going). The Board doesn't care, because these teachers are still in the district and are probably improving the level of education at the schools they end up at.

    The district seems so gung-ho to blame the parents and the teachers, but really all they have to look at is the one common denominator. The parents appreciate the teachers. The teachers appreciate the parents. But the majority of both have a distrust and fear of Mrs. Smith. She has done some VERY inappropriate and mean-spirited things. I assure you that she has earned her negative reputattion. If anyone needs to attend ethics training and Professional conduct training, it is Mrs. Smith. The school has gone downhill over the last three years, but if she is allowed to remain, it wil get SO much worse.

    I am not aware of any parent that has been defiant. I have followed every rule set forth before me and so have the other parents I know.

    Pursuing this is the right thing for the school and its future. I hope that parents will continue the fight.

  46. This blog is great! It is too bad that we have to go to an outside source to get these results and find out what is going on isn't it?

    I guess that is the point of all of this.

  47. Question for Anonymous 2:28 - How is this about the PTA again? I just got on this site and read over everything and am confused how the issues with Alafia are only with the PTA. It appears that a few of the bloggers want it to be about the PTA and are not listening to the real issues. Do you think the only parents with concerns are in the PTA? I didn't realize that Alafia had such a large number of PTA members....
    The assessment team’s report is on this site, from what I read it wasn't a PTA issue.
    And I must agree with the last posting – Thank you for this site, I wonder if these reports will ever be released to the parents…!?
    If I did not see the sign this morning I never would have known to come to this site and see the surveys and reports.
    Why isn't the school releasing this information?

  48. I am a parent of a second grader at Alafia and like most parents, I want to be informed of all that is going on at the school. I would love to be a little bit more informed regarding what Mrs. Smith has actually done to both parents and teachers.

    I feel that it is hard to help "save Alafia" if some of us are not completely informed!

    HELP :-)

  49. True. It is not a PTA issue. However, the parents spearheading this "movement" are all members of the PTA and therefore representing the organization.
    This is NOT a proactive approach. This is creating more problems.
    Again, those involved should be ashamed. Fabulous role modeling...

  50. I blame the school board. How could they have let things come to this? I agree that the ENTIRE PTA should resign, but I also think NOBODY should volunteer any longer until Smith is removed. We need to step things up a notch folks.


  51. If no one volunteers, that only hurts the teachers. We want to help them!

  52. We moved to this area hoping to duplicate the wonderful elementary school experience my children attended before Alafia. While I believe academically the school is on par, other aspects are in sore need of repair. The front office staff has been nothing short of rude and condescending. Specifically telling me that it's "illegal" to pick up my child anytime after 1:30 pm until the dismissal bell rings. Please, I only asked one time and only because my child had a dr's appointment. While I agree that there needs to be rules and regulations in place, this is not a prison, it's an elementary school! If this is a direct result of the principal using strong arm tactics than she needs to go NOW. I'm still trying to form an honest opinion about Mrs. Smith without any input from this blog or the many parents that seem to dislike her. What I do know is that I hate having to explain to my children what the signs on Nature's Way and the postcard in the mail are for...whatever the verdict, it needs to come quickly so everyone can get back to business as usual.

  53. I herad it was Mrs. Smith that put the signs on Nature's Way.

    How low will she go??

  54. I cannot believe that anyone would blame the PTA for these actions. The PTA is a great asset to our school and without it, our children's education would suffer greatly. Just because a lot of the parents that have spoken up are members of the PTA doesn't mean that the PTA as an organization is behind all this. These parents have never presented themselves as "We, the PTA, request the removal of the principal" or "We, the PTA, have issues with the principal". These are parents that stood up individually to make their concerns known.

    It is partly because of parents who volunteer and help teachers that our kids can get a better education. While at the school helping out, these same parents are able to see the things that happen at the school, day in and day out.

    Weather you like it or not, the PTA and the dedicated volunteers that may or may not be members of the PTA, help to keep the school and our children's education running more smoothly as well as making the school more fun for our kids.

    Think of all the time that volunteer parents spend helping the teachers. If the volunteers didn't do all these "simple tasks" to help the teachers, the teachers would have to do them themselves and that would take time away from our children's education time. Think about the Ho-down, the school dances, the money that the PTA DONATES to the teachers for classroom materials. None of this would be possible without the PTA.

    Stop and think how much more money teachers would have to ask from parents on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for classroom supplies if they didn't receive the help that they get from the PTA.

  55. I will no longer support the PTA or the teachers. How many teachers spoke at the school board meeting? ZERO. Why won't the PTA make a stand and resign? Alafia will not get another cent of my money or a minute of my time until Smith is gone. She is a cancer on that school that needs to be removed.

    We need to take action, and we need to take it now. DO NOT SUPPORT ANYTHING ELSE AT THAT SCHOOL UNTIL A NEW PRINCIPAL IS INSTALLED.

  56. Anonymous 4:29- I couldn't have said it any better myself. As an active PTA member, I resent that the fact that everyone is accusing the entire PTA of being "behind all of this". Just because the parents that started this initiative are "members of the PTA" means nothing. My child's grandparents are members of the PTA and so is Mrs. Smith and most of the other adults that are on campus! What does being a member of the PTA have to do with anything except supporting our school?

    Anonymous 4:44- By pulling your support for the "PTA or the teachers" you are cutting your nose off to spite your face. What are you teaching your child? I'll just take my little red wagon and run home if I don't like what people are doing. Giving your "red cent" to Alafia is NOT for Mrs. Smith or the PTA- IT IS FOR YOUR CHILD!!!!!

  57. For those who are curious: it isn't typical for the school board to release the results of this type of assessment directly to parents. It is done for the school and the school board, and while the report is public, a review with parents isn't part of the protocol. But, once again, most of you assume you have the right to all information so it stands to reason that you expect the board to share this with you personally too.

  58. I agree that the signs on Nature's Way and Culbreath are a bit overboard but nothing to get all up in arms about. As much as we try to protect our children from what is going on, they are bound to hear things and we, as parents, need to be prepared to answer questions truthfully but without getting into names and gruesome details.

    We are prepared to tell our children, if and when they ask, that there are grown up things going on at the school that they don't need to worry about. That's all. Simple, honest, but not into details. If they come home with questions specifically about Mrs. Smith, we, as parents, have the obligation to teach our children to respect her as the principal regardless of how we personally feel about her.

    Yes, I believe Mrs. Smith needs to leave Alafia. There has been too much damage done at this point and if she remains, it will definitely start to directly affect our children's education. If she cares one bit about our children at Alafia, she should take her "triumph" over the assessment results and request a transfer with dignity. Why she would want to remain in a place where she knows she is not wanted by teachers, parents, and staff is beyond comprehension.

    --Mrs. Smith, it's not about winning or losing any more. You have put up a great fight but it's time to do what's best for the children, not for yourself or the parents.

  59. ANON 4:58pm - then why is the report listed below titled "Parent Report"?

  60. I wouldn't necessarily characterize the PTA money as not benefiting Mrs. Smith. Consider how having supplemental funds helps her better do HER job. And doesn't the PTA purchase items that otherwise would have had to come out of her budget? I can think of a few, can you?
    I'm not saying stop supporting the PTA. I don't think that's the answer. But considering Mrs. Smith is so concerned about her paper budget, I sure do get alot of flyers about fundraisers sent home!

  61. Dear Anonymous 8:02,

    It's funny that you tell Wendy to teach her kids to stand up for what they believe in yet you hide behind "Anonymous".

    The problem is that there is no compromise with Mrs. Smith. The teachers either do it her way or she makes their lives a living hell and they end up in the hopsital due to stress or she gives them a bad review which affects their pay and if they can get hired at another school. You can't tell me there isn't a problem when you have parents like Anonymous 9:45 whose child was hurt and she is still afraid to speak out!!!

    I think this is the time for all of us whose children have been hurt to speak out to the media. Maybe the school board will listen to them. Ellyn Smith has made enough people live in fear for far too long.

  62. I would be embarrased as well, and yes whoever put the signs up should be ashamed of themself!! Get a life, you are an A school!!! Find some other way to waste your time while your husband is out working to death to support you!

  63. I have an observation. If you have noticed the voting poll to the right of these comments you have probably voted in the "remove Smith" poll. Then, if you were like me, you tried to vote again to remove her only to find out that it is impossible to vote more then one time. So here’s the thing, If 88 people have said she must go and only 11 say she can stay, isn’t this obvious that the blogers that are bashing the parents and the PTA, are the same 11 people doing it over and over again to make it seem like there are more people out there for Smith?? You are the ones who should be ashamed of yourselves! What are your children doing while you are on this blog site bashing everyone? You’re so worried about the signs on Natures Way - TAKE THEM DOWN THEN!!! The parents that are speaking about why Mrs. Smith should no longer stay at Alafia had the guts to stand up for what they believe in, why don’t you show your children to stand up for what is right (in your opinion) as well! Don’t come back with the whole sap story of "you’re not getting involved" because you ARE already involved. You have formed a decision just like these other parents have done, the only difference between you and them is they aren’t going to sit back and let a tyrant rule Alafia and your to afraid to take down some measly signs on Natures Way! If your children are being effected like you say they are then maybe one of the teachers can let you have some of their 5 mental/nervous visits that they have been encouraged to take advantage of!

  64. Anonymous 6:27,
    My child was hit and bruised by another child. This same child hurt someone nearly everyday of the year last year and he was more than disruptive. He terrorized his classmates and nothing was ever done about it by the administration, even though the teacher pleaded for help.

    I know of many children who have been hurt at Alafia. The worst of which is a child who was stabbed in the eye with a fork. Nothing was done about it.

    Many parents have called Sherrie Sikes and written letters to the school board. Parents met with Mrs. Smith and people from the school board to come up with an action plan.

    We tried to go through the proper channels and to be constructive in finding a solution. No one wanted it to come to this, but when someone repeatedly puts my child in danger, I will not stop until someone listens and fixes the problem.

  65. I would like to give a HUGE thanks to all the parents who got this started. You all had the guts to stand up for our teachers and children! I wish this had started 3 years ago. Thats when I had my run in with Mrs. Smith. For all of you parents who don't know, BEWARE, if you ever have a problem at the school. She will bold face lie to you, and do nothing to help resolve your problem. She flat out refused to have a meeting with us. We had to go to Sherri Sykes to get our issue resolved!

    My family has been at Alafia for the last 8 years. When we started there we had a fabulous principal. She went above and beyond what is expected of her job and loved doing it! Isn't that the kind of person who should be the leader of a school? The teachers were happy along with the parents and students. Everyone was so sad when Mrs. McMillian retired. Next we had Mrs. Locke. She did her job well and the school remained a positive place. The last 3 years with Mrs. Smith have been a slow downward spiral. We have now hit rock bottom and the school board must do something to correct the situation.

    The only sentence on the assessment report I needed to read said: " The administration needs to eliminate practices that foster fear of intimidation and retaliation". That sounds like bullying to me. I thought the county had a zero tolerence policy regarding bullying. Maybe that only pertains to the children and not the professionals!

    When Cimino opened 7 years ago, people were very upset that they had to leave Alafia. There were community meetings to explain the new boundaries and families fought to stay at our school. I would love to get a head count of all the students from Alafia who are now special assigned to Cimino. I guess they were the smart ones!

    To all the parents who do not believe that there is a problem at our school, think about the absolute basics. Alafia has lost more than 30 teachers in the last 3 years. That is just not normal! The front office staff has turned over at least 3 times in the last 3 years. Again, not normal! Could all of these unhappy parents and teachers really be overreacting? I think not.

    I have a very warm place in my heart for Alafia. I have 3 children who have gone to this school. If Mrs. Smith does not leave our school I don't think I will be able to continue to let my youngest child remain at the school. It makes me very sad and frustrated that Hillsborough County school administrators would bury their heads in the sand over this escalating problem! Mrs. Smith must removed from our school!!!

  66. Parents, we still support you. Those of us who know the real situation know that these problems have been here from the beginning. We know that the only reason it can not stop until she is removed is because we have all tried to work with her, tried to get these problems resolved, tried to give her another chance time and time again. Starting every school year with the hope that this year will be different, it is not. Please do not give up.

  67. Anonymous 7:27pm

    I will say it again

    AMEN SISTER!!!!!!

  68. If you have personally experienced one:

    Please give an example of misconduct by Mrs. Smith that affected the health, safety or welfare of a student.

    Did you report it to administration? Who? What did they do?

    My point here is to show a pattern where Mrs. Smith engaged in misconduct and the district failed to follow up on it.

    Assuming, of course, that there were instances of misconduct, and that the district failed to follow up on them.

    I truly believe we need to bring these instances to light. We need people who are willing to stand up and report these instances. But, for now, please just post here. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's not as bad as I have been led to believe. But I don't think I'm wrong. PLEASE POST.

  69. Email Obama. Maybe he will make Ms. Smith his Secretary of Education.

  70. Everyone needs to lay off the PTA, this is not the "board's" fight while many involved are on the board this is not a PTA board initiative. The PTA provides many things too the school, if you refer to the school website you will see that everything from the tables in the lunchroom to the equipment on the playgrounds has been provided by the PTA's of Alafia Elementary not to mention that each teacher receives $100 to help offset the cost of classroom supplies. Please do not confuse the agendas of the two groups.

  71. I am not a Alafia parent but a relative of one. My children are older but I have been involved on PTA boards at other schools. I have worked with principals that ran a tight ship and were stern. However, I could accept and respect their actions because they were fair to all and in the best interest of the students.

    It is a shame that this is how things have turned out and somewhat embarrassing for the families at Alafia--but desperate times call for desparate measures.

    My nephew has been in several situations at school that were not in a safe & productive environment. His parent complained, I called and my father complained to the powers above Ms. Smith and Ms. Sikes. Supposedly procedures were followed and nothing was done.

    Through my observations, I have also noted there are some over-zealous parents at Alafia that spend WAY too much time at school. I was shocked to hear what was expected of a "homeroom mom". It seems like it was a job description for a paraprofessional classroom aide. Parent involvement should always be encouraged and welcomed at any school but there should be reasonable guidelines and expectations. (I am not defending Ms. Smith because I do beleive she is in a power struggle with parents.)

    Congratulations on the consistent "A" rating to Alafia. These grades take into account many different factors, such as attendance, FCAT scores, improvement over past years, etc. (socio-economic demographics take an unofficial role). However, the ratings do not take into account whether or not it is a positive and effective learning environment--just the numbers.

    I truly feel for the teachers and the students that are put in this difficult situation. GOOD LUCK TO ALL.

  72. To Nov 14 8:27pm

    In the past, Ms. Smith has allowed two students to leave school before the bell rings because they are disruptive to other students.
    Is this safe? Definitely a positive for the rest of the students that do not have to deal with their abuse. But questionable for the two students on early release.

    She's a genius!

  73. It really is amazing what people will say and how they will behave when they can remain anonymous. I doubt half of these posts would exist if a name had to be attached. Although I am thankful that this blog has been made available to get the information out especially the results of the surveys, it is sad how some people have chosen to behave. Name calling, finger pointing and criticism of parents that put in countless hours to make the school a better place for the students and teachers is unnecessary. If you find yourself being so consumed with all this, take a break and come back another time. Don't embarrass yourself even if it is with an anonymous name. You may end up regretting it.

  74. 9:30 That's kind of gray as far as the point I'm trying to make.

    But it certainly is another great example of Mrs. Smith rewarding bad behavior. Hey, beat up a few kids and you get to leave early every day! Why don't we give them a reward for walking so nicely by themselves too!

  75. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." - Abraham Lincoln

  76. I find it very interesting that the "assessment team" included five principles, two of which are Mrs. Smith's friends. Should an assessment not include a variety of members such as school board, faculty, parents, and members of the community. How is it a fair assessment of the principle when her peers are assissing her.

  77. Well I can see what the "popular" vote is, but can someone please tell me how many "electoral" votes it will take to get Mrs. Smith removed?

    According to the assesment survey there are only 12.5 of the teachers who either agree or strongly agree that they are working in a safe enviroment. I am not an attorney, but I would consider law school to handle the litigation that could arise due to having this knowledge and allowing it to continue. I believe it is called a hostile work enviroment in human resource terminology.

    This seems to be a very serious situation that could make our future tax increases, by Obama, seem minute by comparison. I hope this has been taken into consideration by the board. I am afraid that after Ms. Faliero asked that these allegations be looked into that she may not be "fully" informed of the results, magnitude of the problem, and possible impact on the taxpayers.

    The children are already paying their tax bill on this situation.

  78. Where can I get information about the carpool for the school board meeting?

  79. ***Carpool info is posted on the site ***

    Sign up for carpool at one of the Petition Sessions on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.

  80. I just signed the petition - folks if you haven't done this yet you need to get out there and sign! They have over 250 names and going strong! It is time for you to make a difference for our teachers. They can't speak up or chance losing their job, we need to protect them. They are the best and we need to keep the best teachers at Alafia for our kids!

  81. Thank you to the parents that set up and volunteered to man the petition booth! I stopped by and signed yesterday. I hope the school board will finally take this matter seriously, our community, our school, our TEACHERS and our CHILDREN deserve better.

    To those of you that to this point do not agree with these efforts or do not understand them PLEASE ask questions of the volunteers, friends, neighbors, other parents and find out what is unknown to you about the sitation at Alafia. I'm not sure what is appropriate to ask a teacher right now b/c they are very scared of retaliation.

  82. I wanted to say thank you to all the parent volunteers I saw working the petition booth this evening! I am not sure if a petition is going to help at all or not, but I do find it very interesting that the district is trying to say that are only 5 parents who are having issues with this principal. When I was signing the petition tonight I overheard many parents telling their stories about how this principal has treated their child and I was SHOCKED!!! I really thought I was one of the few who felt this administrator was failing in her duties! The school board better be ready for a fight if they chose to keep this tyrant in her position at Alafia! Now that all these parents have come together to compare their stories, it’s all out in the open and we are NOT afraid of Mrs. Smith ANYMORE!!!!!!!

  83. If Mrs. Smith is allowed to be at the meeting, I think all the parents should walk out? One of the 5 women that brought this to the board's attention and got us all involved should decide which one of them is going to request it from the beginning. If she is there, it should be presented to Elia again and if it is denied, we should all walk out. The teachers had to sit through their meeting with Smith there gloating and grinning through the whole thing while they were publicly humiliated. We, as parents, do not depend on the school system for our lively hood and don't need to be humiliated at the hand of Smith and Elia. If Smith is there, we should ALL make a stance and leave!! Let Elia know she is not welcome at our meeting.

  84. Thank you to the Mom's that were out in the cold this morning and this evening working the petition booth!!!! Also, thank you to everyone that came out to sign it. You are making a difference!

  85. My daughter has been a student at Alafia for 4 years. I have had one personal experience with Ms. Smith and it was not good. When my daughter was in first grade she got sick in the classroom. She had a substitute teacher that day and the sub made my daughter clean up her own vomit. I was outraged that my five year old daughter was subjected to that kind of embarassment. I went to talk to Ms. Smith about it and basically got blown off. She gave me a limp and unsympathetic apology and said they would talk to the sub. She didn't write anything down, didn't ask me for contact information to follow up with me and I never heard anything about it after that. I've heard much worse stories of students breaking bones and parents not being called. There are few specific examples posted on this web site of Ms. Smith's poor behavior. We need more. If you are out there please come foward and tell what you know. Thank you.

  86. No, she should be allowed at the meeting and then she can give her "reasons" for why she has done the things that she has, there would not be an opportunity for her to give Elia a smooth answer, she will be on the spot and will not be able to give a differing answer in private

  87. I wanted to say thank you to all the parent volunteers I saw working the petition booth this evening! I am not sure if a petition is going to help at all or not, but I do find it very interesting that the district is trying to say that are only 5 parents who are having issues with this principal. When I was signing the petition tonight I overheard many parents telling their stories about how this principal has treated their child and I was SHOCKED!!! I really thought I was one of the few who felt this administrator was failing in her duties! The school board better be ready for a fight if they chose to keep this tyrant in her position at Alafia! Now that all these parents have come together to compare their stories, it’s all out in the open and we are NOT afraid of Mrs. Smith ANYMORE!!!!!!!

  88. Time to find the special assignment applications, because the administration is sticking behind Smith. I suppose if they get rid of the parents and the teachers the issue will go away!

  89. Basically Elia and the board paid lip service to the 20 or so parents who attended tonight's school board meeting--marathon of over 3 hrs. Only about 20 mins of discussion on Alafia and the principal with six speakers--this after we witnessed the pageantry and travesty of school board members being sworn in.
    I still don't think the school board or Elia gets it that their current recommendations, following the very limited survey report, are unacceptable to the parents and teachers.

    The county is all about metrics, recommend following Thursday's sham of a meeting (Principal will attend), that parents keep their kids at home. If attendance numbers drop on a "sick" day, maybe that will send a message to the County and board that the parents are serious.

  90. My heart is broken because I know all of our beloved teachers will now leave.

    Shame on Sikes, shame on Otero, and shame on Elia for allowing this to happen. But most of all shame on Smith's buddy who is making sure she gets through this crisis unscathed.

    Alafia might not EVER recover from this.

  91. It sure would have been nice if the board members asked questions. They just don't care!

  92. I don't think walking out of the meeting if she's there tomorrow is the answer. That will only show her that we're afraid of her.

    As far as keeping the children home from school Friday, that will only hurt the students and the teachers, not her. She would probably be glad that there's fewer students at school and therefore less problems for her to deal with. We as parents need to continue stick together.

    Anything that happens at the school, needs to be immediately reported to Mrs. Smith with a comment to the effect of "By the way, I'm sending an e-mail with this information to the school board as well". This way, she won't have the time to sit on things and do nothing.

    From what I saw at the meeting last night, even though Ms. Elia managed to be evasive about every single question she was asked, it showed that there were a couple of the board members that were catching on to what is going on and attempted to call her on it. For example, the board member that asked about the 33 teachers leaving. Elia NEVER really answered the question. So the seed is planted and if the entire board is cc'd on every communication regarding every problem there is at the school, I have a feeling they will put pressure on Elia to take some action.

  93. Elia is not going to do anything and I think the board is going to sweep it under the rug, because at some point the parents just can't keep going back to them with issues - this is just too tiring and stressful.

    Here's the link for school choice hardship. http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/Choice/hardship.asp Maybe when they get 200 applications for Cimino from Alafia students they'll realize there might be an issue. Oh,who am I kidding - they won't do anything still, except deny the applications!

  94. I'm amused to see that the administrators are taking the time to visit the blog and voting to keep Mrs. Smith. :)

  95. I am very happy that Ms Smith is going to be at the meeting. I feel the more direct pressure applied her and Ms Elia regarding the issues at hand are long overdue. The opportunity to have a face to face open meeting with this regime in front of other board members is what needs to happen. I implore anyone to not except canned responses to the very serious and dyer issues brought forth to this elected board. We must demand straight answers from this regime!


    I know that you weren't invited to the meeting tonight, but evidently supporters of Mrs. Smith were. Just incase you were wondering, MS. HERN AND MS. ANDERSON were in attendance.

  97. Ladies,
    It's time to find a new "cause"... Leave school admininstration to the professional. You obviously have way too much idle time; go knock off a pounds running around Natures Way, grab a latte at Starbucks and settle in for your day of Soaps and a nap. The kids are fine at school. No need for Monday-morning quarterbacking. Ms. Smith is peforming well and I am sure she will call you when and if she needs your insight and opinion.


Nov 26th 2008 Tampa Trib article....

"The beleaguered principal of Alafia Elementary School began her work week Monday as she usually does – standing in front of the Valrico school as the students arrived by car, bus or holding the hands of their parents.
This time, however, Principal Ellyn Smith had company. Longtime educator Grace
Ippolito was by Smith's side, greeting parents and students. Ippolito, who was principal when Alafia opened in 1987, returned to the school last week under an hourly paid contract with the Hillsborough County School District to serve as Smith's mentor and coach for an unspecified period of time. Her mission is to teach Smith the people skills Alafia parents say she's lacking."
***To read Full article, please click here:
Alafia Principal, Parents Begin Reconciliation
Published: November 26, 2008

Quotes From The Board.....

November 11, 2008:..... "It's usually not a good thing to have an assessment team come into a school," Faliero said. "It indicates there is enough evidence to suggest there were things that were not working for this school, that there is just cause to go forward and look into it."
November 10th, 2008:......"I thought it was a good meeting," Hegarty said after meeting with the Alafia faculty. "People spoke from the heart."
October 24th, 2008:.......Elia said school officials have held six meetings regarding the Alafia situation since June. Elia also met directly with the principal. "I want to make it clear that this is something that we have been working on," Elia said.
October 24th, 2008:....."
When a school is polarized, it's not a healthy environment for students or staff to be part of, and it filters out into the community as well," Faliero said.
October 10th , 2008: ....."The superintendent needs to get involved, and she needs to find out if there is just cause to these things that they are saying," Faliero said, adding that if true, the charges could be cause for dismissal.
"I just don't see that kind of unified concern from east Hillsborough unless they truly believe something is wrong."
Board chairwoman Jennifer Faliero said she has never seen such a large group of parents complain publicly about their school leader. She asked superintendent MaryEllen Elia to work with the parents and look into the situation.


2007-2008 WSE Survey conducted - April 2008

92% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not interact with others fairly and empathetically.

85% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not recognize and reward staff when appropriate.

69% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not promote a safe and orderly school culture that is conducive to learning.


** KEY Observations ** Assessment Team - November 2008

- The Team found a very stressful work environment for teachers and administrators. In addition, the community is experiencing the stress felt at the school.

- Some parent and staff interviews revealed a fear of retaliation for speaking honestly and openly to our assessment team

- Faculty, staff, administration and parents appear fragmented and in distress.


Parents Speak Out

"You're going to give her a life coach? In the real world, we don't get a life coach. We get fired!"



Should Alafia Become A Charter School?