Welcome To Alafia Lisa Tierney-Jackson!

Alafia Elementary welcomes new principal -- former Cypress Creek Elementary principal Lisa Tierney-Jackson.

Nov 12, 2008

Teachers Speak Out

Teachers/Staff - Anonymously Enter your concerns or stories here:


  1. Thank you for everything you are doing!

  2. The parents at Alafia Elementary truly appreciate all the teachers do. You all are the rock in our sinking ship.

  3. To address the above comment...Either you are a new teacher, or you were hired by Smith. Otherwise you would know that things do not change...ask a teacher from Seffner.

  4. I think that the opportunity to change was present before this assessment team had to come to Alafia. NOW we see obvious signs of following the letter of the law suggested by the team. I laughed when I heard outloud that Mrs. Smith presented the new hire a welcome basket!!!! Perfect TIMING!! Everything I see happening now has to do with dotting the i's and crossing the t's. Nothing is done by honest reflection to change, it is calculating just like everything this Principal does, calculating and opportunistic! She cannot change true essence of her being. She is not capable of being sincere or honest. I cannot work for someone I cannot trust or respect!

  5. Thirty years and educator and now she has to learn to be a better leader??? She knows the system, she has been given multiple opportunities, many more than a simple teacher would be given. I never saw her give a certain kindergarten teacher an opportunity to become a more effective teacher, she attacked her, humiliated her and destroyed are ability to teach. She is an opportunity robber!!!

  6. Nothing has been mentioned how in the report 31 effectiveness scores about the school were looked at. In those 31 efectiveness scores 13 dealt with administration only, the SEAT team felt that 12/13, 97% of those expectations administration was below expectations, the only thing they were on expectations were with regards to Data Collection, if any of us were scored the lowest score possible in our evaluations would we still have our jobs?

  7. This has been a long hard road many of us have traveled the last few years with Mrs. Smith. We all desperately wanted her to treat us with dignity and respect and it just hasn't happened. When the "powers that be" promised the parents this summer that things would be different, we trusted the system. When we completed the PI surveys at the end of last year we were trusting the system to listen to our fears and concerns. We were once again called upon to trust the group that came and met with us one on one. We have over and over again been shown that it DOESN'T MATTER what we teachers have gone through in the last two-three years. We sheltered the students from our situation and they continue to do well. What else do we have to do than to transfer the moment we have the opportunity to? It doesn't appear to make a difference to our superiors that ONE person can come in and affect our school in such a way. I honestly just don't get it. I am saddened and have lost trust in the system I have loved for so many years.

  8. I believe my child had the kindergarten teacher in question. If that is the case I can attest to the unprofessional tactics utilized by Mrs. Smith. By the end of the school year the teacher was mortified to do a single thing in fear of retaliation by Mrs. Smith. Despite her union rep Mrs. Smith was unrelenting to this teacher.

  9. One of the recommendations was for administration to form committees (such as steering). Am I to assume that the school does not have a steering committee? If there is one, when is the last time that it met with Mrs. Smith?

  10. Okay everyone...this bashing business has got to end. Of course there are differences of opinion. Of course people are angry and upset. I was under the impression this was the area where teachers were being allowed to voice their opinions and concerns anonymously. Now this "teacher" area of this site is turning into non-teachers bashing each other. I don't even know who is blogging at this particular part of this site....parents? Teachers? Other non-partisan people?

    We teachers work at a school that many of us have loved and worked at for multiple years. Yes, that must mean I am older...but that DOES NOT mean we "veteran teachers" do not like change. That is not the issue at all. The issue is now trust and integrity. For some time now we have worked in an atmosphere that is anxiety ridden. We don't need to go back into specifics...we have done that repeatedly to our superiors and now lately to the team that came. I find it shocking that a report that covered a total of 31 guidelines could have the majority of its "administrative areas" as being "not meeting expectations." This coming from a seasoned administrator that has a history of doing the exact same thing at her previous school and EVERYONE IN THE COUNTY KNOWS IT! I honestly just don't get it.

  11. What's wrong with a warm and fuzzy enviroment? These are elementary aged students, not soldiers! Why can't they learn IN a warm and fuzzy environment? These things should go hand in hand and not be mutually exclusive.

    MRS SMITH MUST GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Being the parent of an Alafia student, and having once been an Alafia student myself, I can tell you that things have changed for the worse and my child and I are 2 seconds out of the door. The environment is so not conducive to learning. Everyone is so stressed. I am all for structure and really educating our students, but what good is the teaching going to do if the kids are not receiving it (i.e. not feeling loved and supported in the school)? They spend a good portion of their lives in school, so when I leave my child at school, I expect for everything to be up to par....that goes from a healthy environment all the way to tests that they take..and everything in between. It should all be a healthy balance. If Mrs. Smith can not communicate in an effective manner on ALLLL levels, then she really does need to go.

  13. This blog is great! It is too bad that we have to go to an outside source to get these results and find out what is going on isn't it?

  14. I am not a teacher at Alafia but I have been employed as a teacher by Hillsborough County. My child is a student at Alafia and I have to say that I am concerned. While I was teaching, I had a FANTASTIC principal that had earned the respect and admiration from students, teachers and parents. My husband is also a teacher and, I believe, has searched long and hard to find a principal with similar qualities to the principal I had. He has not had much success.

    Truth be told, there is a serious shortage of truly FANTASTIC principals not only in Hillsborough County, but everywhere. This in no way excuses some of the behavior I have heard about with regards to Mrs. Smith. There are principals that treat teachers as peers and students as students and then there are principals that treat teachers AND students as students. This seems to be the case at Alafia and my heart goes out to those teachers. I have had my experience with administrators like this and it is not fun!! Also, teacher moral will suffer in such an environment.

    I believe that we should support the staff at Alafia in their wishes, whatever those wishes may be. As parents, we are here for support of the school, not for the purpose of creating a hostile environment. Is there a way that we could have a forum or anonymous voting of the teachers so we can help them in their efforts??

  15. I know this is a "teacher" section. As a parent I feel compelled to recognize our wonderful teachers. We support you 100%. It is a crying shame that you are subjected to such a hostile work environment! I have had a boss like Mrs. Smith in the past and it is, to say the least, very difficult and draining to work under someone as vindictive as she is. My family has been involved at Alafia for the past 8 years. I have witnessed how a school can function with a positive leader. Mrs. Smith has proven time and time again that she is not capable of being a leader, she is a dictator! Alafia has already lost 30+ teachers in the past 3 years, I can't begin to imagine how many will leave after this year. We need to save our school by saving our teachers! The only way to do that is by getting Mrs. Smith out!!!
    Concerned parent

  16. Email Obama. Maybe he will make Ms. Smith his Secretary of Education.

  17. In referance to Mrs. Smith becoming Obama's Secretary of Education my only problem is that we as a country are on the precipice of disaster. A selection like that could cause increasing gas prices, civil wars, plagues, locust, those horsemen fellows we always hear about; Jesus.. it could cause the second coming other wise known as the rapture.

  18. Mrs. Smith you are our rock...and yes it may be a hard, cold and unforgiving rock. But you are ours.

  19. I feel very sorry for the teachers and other staff members that poured their hearts and souls to the committee---only to be hung out to dry! There will be retaliation, mark my words!! Ellyn Smith was once my principal and I don't wish her wrath on my worst enemy.

  20. I have been a teacher in Hillsborough County for almost thirty years. Word travels fast about schools whose principals make their faculty and staff this miserable.
    Let's face it: we are educated, have a love for children, and work darn hard in our profession. Our time and energy should be used to teach our students. Working in an enviornment such as Alafia, takes the focus off of educating the children and basically directs it to survival; you have to constantly go into a defensive mode when you are at work.
    Many years ago I went through a similar ordeal and I have a permanent health condition because of working under those stressful conditions. Stress kills! We all know that; it is a fact.
    I have to wonder what the payoff is for Mrs. Smith; why does she do the things she does to her staff and parents? The kids have a saying, "That sure is twisted!".
    I know several teachers who felt Alafia was their "home" and planned to retire from that school. They had a love and pride for their school which kept them working there year after year.. Just curious...what percentage of the faculty and staff have left? I wonder why... Do you think something might be going on there that is detreMENTAL to the school and the people that work there? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out...
    If anyone in power over this travesty reads this, consider this:
    The teachers who work in this county are watching what is happening at Alafia to see if you SUPPORT THE TEACHERS, PARENTS AND CHILDREN or ...not. If nothing is done and she is not removed, we will all know there is no hope for any of us if and when we find ourselves in the same situation as Alafia Elementary.
    I am sorry for the teachers who had to leave because of the circumstances and at the same time, I salute the teachers who have stayed during this stressful time. Tie a knot and hang on!
    Pray that the right solution for those who are affected occurs. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  21. I want to give a big THANK YOU for the men and women who are taking time out of their busy lives to help me - as a teacher - try to improve our school. It is a sticky situation - no one likes bad press but it is long overdue.

  22. I worked for MS Smith at Seffner. Our staff was a stable group that loved our school. Many of us had spent years at Seffner...it was home. When Ellyn joined us we had no idea how bad it would get. If the county went back and looked they would see(like they would at Alafia) a stable school with little turnover. After several years with Ellyn many of us retired or transfered to other places. The stress was never-ending. You never knew when she would go after you. Our wonderful school (like Alafia) lost many of us over a 2-3 year period. The county did not care. We repeatedly tried to talk to people (Mr Otero was one ) and NO ONE cared.

  23. I am a 15 year teacher and I can tell you this. Administration LOVES principals like her. Nothing is going to happen to her. Face it, if they have to tell her not to intimidate, it means they know she does. What they want her to do is intimidate more carefully.

    You guys will keep her for the rest of this year and then she will get a promotion. Mark my words. She will leave and be promoted.


Nov 26th 2008 Tampa Trib article....

"The beleaguered principal of Alafia Elementary School began her work week Monday as she usually does – standing in front of the Valrico school as the students arrived by car, bus or holding the hands of their parents.
This time, however, Principal Ellyn Smith had company. Longtime educator Grace
Ippolito was by Smith's side, greeting parents and students. Ippolito, who was principal when Alafia opened in 1987, returned to the school last week under an hourly paid contract with the Hillsborough County School District to serve as Smith's mentor and coach for an unspecified period of time. Her mission is to teach Smith the people skills Alafia parents say she's lacking."
***To read Full article, please click here:
Alafia Principal, Parents Begin Reconciliation
Published: November 26, 2008

Quotes From The Board.....

November 11, 2008:..... "It's usually not a good thing to have an assessment team come into a school," Faliero said. "It indicates there is enough evidence to suggest there were things that were not working for this school, that there is just cause to go forward and look into it."
November 10th, 2008:......"I thought it was a good meeting," Hegarty said after meeting with the Alafia faculty. "People spoke from the heart."
October 24th, 2008:.......Elia said school officials have held six meetings regarding the Alafia situation since June. Elia also met directly with the principal. "I want to make it clear that this is something that we have been working on," Elia said.
October 24th, 2008:....."
When a school is polarized, it's not a healthy environment for students or staff to be part of, and it filters out into the community as well," Faliero said.
October 10th , 2008: ....."The superintendent needs to get involved, and she needs to find out if there is just cause to these things that they are saying," Faliero said, adding that if true, the charges could be cause for dismissal.
"I just don't see that kind of unified concern from east Hillsborough unless they truly believe something is wrong."
Board chairwoman Jennifer Faliero said she has never seen such a large group of parents complain publicly about their school leader. She asked superintendent MaryEllen Elia to work with the parents and look into the situation.


2007-2008 WSE Survey conducted - April 2008

92% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not interact with others fairly and empathetically.

85% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not recognize and reward staff when appropriate.

69% of teachers indicated they felt strongly that Mrs. Smith does not promote a safe and orderly school culture that is conducive to learning.


** KEY Observations ** Assessment Team - November 2008

- The Team found a very stressful work environment for teachers and administrators. In addition, the community is experiencing the stress felt at the school.

- Some parent and staff interviews revealed a fear of retaliation for speaking honestly and openly to our assessment team

- Faculty, staff, administration and parents appear fragmented and in distress.


Parents Speak Out

"You're going to give her a life coach? In the real world, we don't get a life coach. We get fired!"



Should Alafia Become A Charter School?